Visualizing gene set enrichment analysis results (clusterProfiler) using dotHeatmap

import os,sys
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import pickle
import glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd'default')
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
mpl.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42
mpl.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'Arial'
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 80
import pickle
import PyComplexHeatmap
from PyComplexHeatmap import *

Why do we need a better way to visualize the gene set enrichment analysis result?

Traditionally, we have to plot lots of barplot or dotplot to visualize the gene set enrichment analysis. For example:

8ded41cd65df42f5b21a267f68e13115 a472291d000347aaa32728de4d9a9cad

What if we had lots of cell types and performed gene set enrichment analysis for each cell types? It is not a good idea to plot lots of barplot or dotplot in the manuscript.

In this case, we can merge all the enriched result into one matrix and plot a dotHeatmap using PyComplexHeatmap

Read data

In this example dataset, we have 2 groups and 3 different cell types in each group, and we have already gotten the GO Biological Process (BP), Molecular Function (MF) and KEGG Pathway enrichment result using R package clusterProfiler and merged the results into one matrix.

with open("../data/enrichment_analysis_dotHeatmap.pickle",'rb') as f:
ID Description GeneRatio p.adjust Count Group CellType EnrichedCategory -log10(p.adjust) ColID RowID
0 GO:0003779 actin binding 0.044949 2.453212e-41 186 Group2 CT1 MF 40.610265 Group2-CT1 MF||actin binding
1 GO:0030695 GTPase regulator activity 0.043016 6.744023e-40 178 Group2 CT1 MF 39.171081 Group2-CT1 MF||GTPase regulator activity
2 GO:0060589 nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity 0.043016 6.744023e-40 178 Group2 CT1 MF 39.171081 Group2-CT1 MF||nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
3 GO:0005201 extracellular matrix structural constituent 0.021266 5.810239e-35 88 Group2 CT1 MF 34.235806 Group2-CT1 MF||extracellular matrix structural constituent
4 GO:0050839 cell adhesion molecule binding 0.031899 1.612420e-31 132 Group2 CT1 MF 30.792522 Group2-CT1 MF||cell adhesion molecule binding
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
840 GO:0050905 neuromuscular process 0.010454 1.224335e-07 122 Group2 CT2 BP 6.912100 Group2-CT2 BP||neuromuscular process
1205 GO:0030534 adult behavior 0.009426 6.028861e-06 110 Group2 CT2 BP 5.219765 Group2-CT2 BP||adult behavior
1558 GO:0035019 somatic stem cell population maintenance 0.004799 6.029991e-05 56 Group2 CT2 BP 4.219683 Group2-CT2 BP||somatic stem cell population maintenance
1746 GO:0019827 stem cell population maintenance 0.009854 1.467128e-04 115 Group2 CT2 BP 3.833532 Group2-CT2 BP||stem cell population maintenance
2999 GO:0021953 central nervous system neuron differentiation 0.008997 9.138960e-03 105 Group2 CT2 BP 2.039103 Group2-CT2 BP||central nervous system neuron differentiation

139 rows × 11 columns

EnrichedCategory Description
MF||actin binding MF actin binding
MF||GTPase regulator activity MF GTPase regulator activity
MF||nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity MF nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
MF||extracellular matrix structural constituent MF extracellular matrix structural constituent
MF||cell adhesion molecule binding MF cell adhesion molecule binding
MF||metal ion transmembrane transporter activity MF metal ion transmembrane transporter activity
MF||monoatomic ion channel activity MF monoatomic ion channel activity
MF||monoatomic ion gated channel activity MF monoatomic ion gated channel activity
MF||gated channel activity MF gated channel activity
MF||calmodulin binding MF calmodulin binding
MF||transmembrane receptor protein kinase activity MF transmembrane receptor protein kinase activity
BP||cell-substrate adhesion BP cell-substrate adhesion
BP||extracellular structure organization BP extracellular structure organization
BP||extracellular matrix organization BP extracellular matrix organization
BP||external encapsulating structure organization BP external encapsulating structure organization
BP||axon guidance BP axon guidance
BP||locomotory behavior BP locomotory behavior
BP||adult behavior BP adult behavior
BP||fat cell differentiation BP fat cell differentiation
BP||neuromuscular process BP neuromuscular process
BP||central nervous system neuron differentiation BP central nervous system neuron differentiation
BP||central nervous system neuron development BP central nervous system neuron development
BP||stem cell population maintenance BP stem cell population maintenance
BP||somatic stem cell population maintenance BP somatic stem cell population maintenance
KEGG||Amphetamine addiction KEGG Amphetamine addiction
KEGG||Calcium signaling pathway KEGG Calcium signaling pathway
KEGG||Cocaine addiction KEGG Cocaine addiction
MF||cytokine activity MF cytokine activity
KEGG||Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction KEGG Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
KEGG||Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction KEGG Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
KEGG||Cytoskeleton in muscle cells KEGG Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
KEGG||ECM-receptor interaction KEGG ECM-receptor interaction
KEGG||Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor KEGG Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cy...
KEGG||Focal adhesion KEGG Focal adhesion
KEGG||Axon guidance KEGG Axon guidance
KEGG||Systemic lupus erythematosus KEGG Systemic lupus erythematosus
KEGG||ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling KEGG ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling
MF||methylation-dependent protein binding MF methylation-dependent protein binding
MF||methylated histone binding MF methylated histone binding
MF||modification-dependent protein binding MF modification-dependent protein binding
Group CellType
Group2-CT1 Group2 CT1
Group1-CT2 Group1 CT2
Group1-CT3 Group1 CT3
Group2-CT3 Group2 CT3
Group1-CT4 Group1 CT4
Group1-CT1 Group1 CT1
Group2-CT2 Group2 CT2


ID Description GeneRatio p.adjust Count Group CellType EnrichedCategory -log10(p.adjust) ColID RowID
3074 GO:0021954 central nervous system neuron development 0.004586 0.027429 42 Group2 CT3 BP 1.561784 Group2-CT3 BP||central nervous system neuron development
ID Description GeneRatio p.adjust Count Group CellType EnrichedCategory -log10(p.adjust) ColID RowID
1 GO:0045444 fat cell differentiation 0.176471 0.000382 6 Group1 CT1 BP 3.417494 Group1-CT1 BP||fat cell differentiation
left_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(
                          label=anno_label(df_row.EnrichedCategory, merge=True,rotation=0,colors=colors,relpos=(1,0.8)),
right_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(
                          label=anno_label(df_row.Description, merge=True,rotation=0,relpos=(0,0.5),arrowprops=dict(visible=True),

col_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 8))
cm = DotClustermapPlotter(data=data1, x='ColID',y='RowID',value='-log10(p.adjust)',c='-log10(p.adjust)',s='GeneRatio',
                          xticklabels_kws={'labelrotation': 30, 'labelcolor': 'blue','labelsize':14},
                          row_split=df_row.EnrichedCategory, row_split_gap=1,
                          # xlabel=Group,xlabel_side="top",
                          # xlabel_kws=dict(labelpad=8,fontweight='bold'),
                          # xlabel_bbox_kws=dict(facecolor=facecolor)
# cm.ax_heatmap.grid(which='minor',color='black',linestyle='--',linewidth=1)
for ax in cm.heatmap_axes.ravel():
    # for side in ["top", "left", "bottom"]:
    #     ax.spines[side].set_visible(True)
    #     ax.spines[side].set_color('grey')
    #     ax.spines[side].set_linewidth(1)
    #     ax.spines[side].set_linestyle('--')
# plt.savefig(f"cell_class_dotHeatmap.pdf",bbox_inches='tight')
Starting plotting..
Starting calculating row orders..
Reordering rows..
Starting calculating col orders..
Reordering cols..
Plotting matrix..
Inferred max_s (max size of scatter point) is: 106.46754159267321
Collecting legends..
Plotting legends..
Estimated legend width: 23.6375 mm

In this example, we used two different kinds of markers and cmap to indicate Group1 and Group2, rows are split by category of enriched terms, sizes of dot/marker indicates gene ratio (The ratio of genes annotated by the GO term in your list to the total number of genes in your list).

How to select marker:
