Source code for PyComplexHeatmap.clustermap

# !/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import warnings
from .utils import (

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[docs]class heatmapPlotter: def __init__( self, data=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap="bwr", center=None, robust=True, annot=None, fmt=".2g", annot_kws=None, cbar=True, cbar_kws=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, mask=None, na_col="white", ): """Initialize the plotting object.""" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): plot_data = data.values else: plot_data = np.asarray(data) data = pd.DataFrame(plot_data) # Validate the mask and convert to DataFrame mask = _check_mask(data, mask) plot_data =, plot_data) # Get good names for the rows and columns xtickevery = 1 if isinstance(xticklabels, int): xtickevery = xticklabels xticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) elif xticklabels is True: xticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) elif xticklabels is False: xticklabels = [] ytickevery = 1 if isinstance(yticklabels, int): ytickevery = yticklabels yticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) elif yticklabels is True: yticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) elif yticklabels is False: yticklabels = [] if not len(xticklabels): self.xticks = [] self.xticklabels = [] elif isinstance(xticklabels, str) and xticklabels == "auto": self.xticks = "auto" self.xticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) else: self.xticks, self.xticklabels = _skip_ticks(xticklabels, xtickevery) if not len(yticklabels): self.yticks = [] self.yticklabels = [] elif isinstance(yticklabels, str) and yticklabels == "auto": self.yticks = "auto" self.yticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) else: self.yticks, self.yticklabels = _skip_ticks(yticklabels, ytickevery) # Get good names for the axis labels xlabel = _index_to_label(data.columns) if xlabel is None else xlabel ylabel = _index_to_label(data.index) if ylabel is None else ylabel self.xlabel = xlabel if xlabel is not None else "" self.ylabel = ylabel if ylabel is not None else "" self.na_col = na_col # Determine good default values for the colormapping self._determine_cmap_params(plot_data, vmin, vmax, cmap, center, robust) # Sort out the annotations if annot is None or annot is False: annot = False annot_data = None else: if isinstance(annot, bool): annot_data = plot_data else: annot_data = np.asarray(annot) if annot_data.shape != plot_data.shape: err = "`data` and `annot` must have same shape." raise ValueError(err) annot = True # Save other attributes to the object = data self.plot_data = plot_data self.annot = annot self.annot_data = annot_data self.fmt = fmt self.annot_kws = {} if annot_kws is None else annot_kws.copy() self.cbar = cbar self.cbar_kws = {} if cbar_kws is None else cbar_kws.copy() self.cbar_kws.setdefault("aspect", 5) self.cbar_kws.setdefault("fraction", 0.08) self.cbar_kws.setdefault("shrink", 0.5) def _determine_cmap_params(self, plot_data, vmin, vmax, cmap, center, robust): """Use some heuristics to set good defaults for colorbar and range.""" # plot_data is a instance calc_data = plot_data.astype(float).filled(np.nan) if vmin is None: if robust: vmin = np.nanpercentile(calc_data, 2) else: vmin = np.nanmin(calc_data) if vmax is None: if robust: vmax = np.nanpercentile(calc_data, 98) else: vmax = np.nanmax(calc_data) self.vmin, self.vmax = vmin, vmax # Choose default colormaps if not provided if cmap is None: if center is None: try: self.cmap = get_colormap("turbo").copy() except: self.cmap = get_colormap("turbo") else: try: self.cmap = get_colormap("exp1").copy() except: self.cmap = get_colormap("exp1") elif isinstance(cmap, str): try: self.cmap = get_colormap(cmap).copy() except: self.cmap = get_colormap(cmap) elif isinstance(cmap, list): self.cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cmap) else: self.cmap = cmap self.cmap.set_bad(color=self.na_col) # set the color for NaN values # Recenter a divergent colormap if center is not None: # Copy bad values # in matplotlib<3.2 only masked values are honored with "bad" color spec # (see bad = self.cmap([np.nan]))[ 0 ] # set the first color as the na_color # under/over values are set for sure when cmap extremes # do not map to the same color as +-inf under = self.cmap(-np.inf) over = self.cmap(np.inf) under_set = under != self.cmap(0) over_set = over != self.cmap(self.cmap.N - 1) vrange = max(vmax - center, center - vmin) normlize = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(center - vrange, center + vrange) cmin, cmax = normlize([vmin, vmax]) cc = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, 256) self.cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(self.cmap(cc)) # self.cmap.set_bad(bad) if under_set: self.cmap.set_under( under ) # set the color of -np.inf as the color for low out-of-range values. if over_set: self.cmap.set_over(over) def _annotate_heatmap(self, ax, mesh): """Add textual labels with the value in each cell.""" mesh.update_scalarmappable() height, width = self.annot_data.shape xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width) + 0.5, np.arange(height) + 0.5) for x, y, m, color, val in zip( xpos.flat, ypos.flat, mesh.get_array(), mesh.get_facecolors(), self.annot_data.flat, ): if m is not lum = _calculate_luminance(color) text_color = ".15" if lum > 0.408 else "w" if not self.fmt is None: annotation = ("{:" + self.fmt + "}").format(val) else: annotation = val text_kwargs = dict(color=text_color, ha="center", va="center") text_kwargs.update(self.annot_kws) ax.text(x, y, annotation, **text_kwargs) def _set_axes_label( self, ax, xlabel_kws, xlabel_bbox_kws, ylabel_kws, ylabel_bbox_kws, xlabel_side, ylabel_side, xlabel_pad, ylabel_pad, ): # xlabel_kws: alpha,color,fontfamily,fontname,fontproperties,fontsize,fontstyle,fontweight,label,rasterized, # rotation,rotation_mode(default,anchor),visible, zorder,verticalalignment,horizontalalignment if xlabel_kws is None: xlabel_kws = {} xlabel_kws.setdefault("verticalalignment", "center") xlabel_kws.setdefault("horizontalalignment", "center") ax.xaxis.label.update( xlabel_kws ) # print( or # xlabel_bbox_kws:alpha,clip_box, clip_on,edgecolor,facecolor,fill,height,in_layout,label,linestyle, # linewidth,rasterized,visible,width if not xlabel_bbox_kws is None: ax.xaxis.label.set_bbox( xlabel_bbox_kws ) # ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch().properties() if ylabel_kws is None: ylabel_kws = {} ylabel_kws.setdefault("horizontalalignment", "center") # left, right ylabel_kws.setdefault( "verticalalignment", "center" ) # top', 'bottom', 'center', 'baseline', 'center_baseline' ax.yaxis.label.update(ylabel_kws) if not ylabel_bbox_kws is None: ax.yaxis.label.set_bbox( ylabel_bbox_kws ) # ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch().properties() if xlabel_side: ax.xaxis.set_label_position(xlabel_side) # ax.xaxis.label.update_bbox_position_size(ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer()) if ylabel_side: ax.yaxis.set_label_position(ylabel_side) # ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10 #0.12 * ax.figure.dpi # 0.12 inches = 3mm # ax.yaxis.labelpad = 10 #0.12 * ax.figure.dpi # ax.figure.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 1]) _draw_figure(ax.figure) # set the xlabel bbox patch color and width, make the width equal to the width of ax.get_window_extent().width # xlabel_bb = ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch() # # ylabel_bb = ax.yaxis.label.get_bbox_patch() # cid = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', on_resize) # cid2 = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', on_resize) def _set_tick_label( self, ax, xticklabels_side, yticklabels_side, xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws ): # position, (0,0) is at the left top corner. if xticklabels_side == "top": ax.xaxis.tick_top() elif xticklabels_side == "bottom": ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() if yticklabels_side == "left": ax.yaxis.tick_left() elif yticklabels_side == "right": ax.yaxis.tick_right() # xticklabel_kwas: axis (x,y,both), which (major,minor,both),reset (True,False), direction (in, out, inout), # length, width, color (tick color), pad, labelsize, labelcolor, colors (for both tick and label), # zorder, bottom, top, left, right (bool), labelbottom, labeltop, labelleft,labelright (bool), # labelrotation,grid_color,grid_alpha,grid_linewidth,grid_linestyle; ?matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params if not xticklabels_kws is None: ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(**xticklabels_kws) else: xticklabels_kws = {} if not yticklabels_kws is None: ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(**yticklabels_kws) else: yticklabels_kws = {} ha = None if ( xticklabels_kws.get("rotation", 0) > 0 or xticklabels_kws.get("labelrotation", 0) > 0 ): if xticklabels_side == "top": ha = "left" else: ha = "right" elif ( xticklabels_kws.get("rotation", 0) < 0 or xticklabels_kws.get("labelrotation", 0) < 0 ): if xticklabels_side == "top": ha = "right" else: ha = "left" if not ha is None: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation_mode="anchor", ha=ha)
[docs] def plot( self, ax, cax, xlabel_kws, xlabel_bbox_kws, ylabel_kws, ylabel_bbox_kws, xlabel_side, ylabel_side, xlabel_pad, ylabel_pad, xticklabels_side, yticklabels_side, xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws, kws, ): """Draw the heatmap on the provided Axes.""" # Remove all the Axes spines despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True) # setting vmin/vmax in addition to norm is deprecated # so avoid setting if norm is set if "norm" not in kws: kws.setdefault("vmin", self.vmin) kws.setdefault("vmax", self.vmax) # Draw the heatmap mesh = ax.pcolormesh(self.plot_data, cmap=self.cmap, **kws) # Set the axis limits ax.set(xlim=(0,[1]), ylim=(0,[0])) # Invert the y axis to show the plot in matrix form ax.invert_yaxis() # from top to bottom # Possibly add a colorbar if self.cbar: cb = ax.figure.colorbar(mesh, cax, ax, **self.cbar_kws) cb.outline.set_linewidth(0) # If rasterized is passed to pcolormesh, also rasterize the # colorbar to avoid white lines on the PDF rendering if kws.get("rasterized", False): cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) # Add row and column labels if isinstance(self.xticks, str) and self.xticks == "auto": xticks, xticklabels = _auto_ticks(ax, self.xticklabels, 0) else: xticks, xticklabels = self.xticks, self.xticklabels if isinstance(self.yticks, str) and self.yticks == "auto": yticks, yticklabels = _auto_ticks(ax, self.yticklabels, 1) else: yticks, yticklabels = self.yticks, self.yticklabels ax.set(xticks=xticks, yticks=yticks) xtl = ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ytl = ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, rotation="vertical") plt.setp(ytl, va="center") plt.setp(xtl, ha="center") # Possibly rotate them if they overlap _draw_figure(ax.figure) if axis_ticklabels_overlap(xtl): plt.setp(xtl, rotation="vertical") if axis_ticklabels_overlap(ytl): plt.setp(ytl, rotation="horizontal") # Annotate the cells with the formatted values if self.annot: self._annotate_heatmap(ax, mesh) # Add the axis labels ax.set(xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) # put set tick label in the front of set axes label. self._set_tick_label( ax, xticklabels_side, yticklabels_side, xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws ) self._set_axes_label( ax, xlabel_kws, xlabel_bbox_kws, ylabel_kws, ylabel_bbox_kws, xlabel_side, ylabel_side, xlabel_pad, ylabel_pad, )
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[docs]def heatmap( data, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlabel_side="bottom", ylabel_side="left", vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, center=None, robust=False, cbar=True, cbar_kws=None, cbar_ax=None, square=False, xlabel_kws=None, ylabel_kws=None, xlabel_bbox_kws=None, ylabel_bbox_kws=None, xlabel_pad=None, ylabel_pad=None, xticklabels="auto", yticklabels="auto", xticklabels_side="bottom", yticklabels_side="left", xticklabels_kws=None, yticklabels_kws=None, mask=None, na_col="white", ax=None, annot=None, fmt=".2g", annot_kws=None, linewidths=0, linecolor="white", **kwargs ): """ Plot heatmap. Parameters ---------- data: dataframe pandas dataframe xlabel / ylabel: bool True, False, or list of xlabels xlabel_side / ylabel_side: str bottom or top vmax, vmin: float the maximal and minimal values for cmap colorbar. center, robust: the same as seaborn.heatmap xlabel_kws / ylabel_kws: parameter from """ plotter = heatmapPlotter( data=data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, center=center, robust=robust, annot=annot, fmt=fmt, annot_kws=annot_kws, cbar=cbar, cbar_kws=cbar_kws, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, mask=mask, na_col=na_col, ) # Add the pcolormesh kwargs here kwargs["linewidths"] = linewidths kwargs["edgecolor"] = linecolor # Draw the plot and return the Axes if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if square: ax.set_aspect("equal") if xlabel_pad is None: xlabel_pad = 0.3 # 30% of the size of mutation_size (fontsize) if ylabel_pad is None: ylabel_pad = 0.3 # 0.04 * ax.figure.dpi / 16. plotter.plot( ax, cbar_ax, xlabel_kws, xlabel_bbox_kws, ylabel_kws, ylabel_bbox_kws, xlabel_side, ylabel_side, xlabel_pad, ylabel_pad, xticklabels_side, yticklabels_side, xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws, kwargs, ) return ax
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[docs]def plot_heatmap( data, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, center=None, robust=False, annot=None, fmt=".2g", annot_kws=None, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, mask=None, na_col="white", ax=None, linewidths=0, linecolor="white", **kwargs ): """ Plot heatmap. Parameters ---------- data: dataframe pandas dataframe vmax, vmin: float the maximal and minimal values for cmap colorbar. center, robust: the same as seaborn.heatmap annot: bool whether to add annotation for values fmt: str annotation format. anno_kws: dict passed to ax.text xticklabels,yticklabels: bool whether to show ticklabels """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): plot_data = data.values else: plot_data = np.asarray(data) data = pd.DataFrame(plot_data) # Validate the mask and convert to DataFrame mask = _check_mask(data, mask) plot_data =, plot_data) # Get good names for the rows and columns xtickevery=1 if isinstance(xticklabels,int): xtickevery=xticklabels xticklabels=True if xticklabels is False: xticks = [] xticklabels = [] elif xticklabels=='auto': xticks = "auto" xticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) else: #True xticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) xticks, xticklabels = _skip_ticks(xticklabels, xtickevery) ytickevery = 1 if isinstance(yticklabels, int): ytickevery = yticklabels yticklabels = True if yticklabels is False: yticks = [] yticklabels = [] elif yticklabels=='auto': yticks = "auto" yticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) else: yticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) yticks, yticklabels = _skip_ticks(yticklabels, ytickevery) # Determine good default values for the colormapping calc_data = plot_data.astype(float).filled(np.nan) if vmin is None: if robust: vmin = np.nanpercentile(calc_data, 2) else: vmin = np.nanmin(calc_data) if vmax is None: if robust: vmax = np.nanpercentile(calc_data, 98) else: vmax = np.nanmax(calc_data) # Choose default colormaps if not provided if isinstance(cmap, str): try: cmap = get_colormap(cmap).copy() except: cmap = get_colormap(cmap) cmap.set_bad(color=na_col) # set the color for NaN values # Recenter a divergent colormap if center is not None: # bad = cmap([np.nan]))[0] # set the first color as the na_color under = cmap(-np.inf) over = cmap(np.inf) under_set = under != cmap(0) over_set = over != cmap(cmap.N - 1) vrange = max(vmax - center, center - vmin) normlize = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(center - vrange, center + vrange) cmin, cmax = normlize([vmin, vmax]) cc = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, 256) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cmap(cc)) # self.cmap.set_bad(bad) if under_set: cmap.set_under( under ) # set the color of -np.inf as the color for low out-of-range values. if over_set: cmap.set_over(over) # Sort out the annotations if annot is None or annot is False: annot = False annot_data = None else: if isinstance(annot, bool): annot_data = plot_data else: annot_data = np.asarray(annot) if annot_data.shape != plot_data.shape: err = "`data` and `annot` must have same shape." raise ValueError(err) annot = True if annot_kws is None: annot_kws = {} # Add the pcolormesh kwargs here kwargs["linewidths"] = linewidths kwargs["edgecolor"] = linecolor # Draw the plot and return the Axes despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True) if "norm" not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault("vmin", vmin) kwargs.setdefault("vmax", vmax) # Draw the heatmap mesh = ax.pcolormesh(plot_data, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) # Set the axis limits ax.set(xlim=(0, data.shape[1]), ylim=(0, data.shape[0])) # Invert the y axis to show the plot in matrix form ax.invert_yaxis() # from top to bottom, left to right # Add row and column labels if isinstance(xticks, str) and xticks == "auto": xticks, xticklabels = _auto_ticks(ax, xticklabels, 0) if isinstance(yticks, str) and yticks == "auto": yticks, yticklabels = _auto_ticks(ax, yticklabels, 1) ax.set(xticks=xticks, yticks=yticks) xtl = ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ytl = ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, rotation="vertical") _draw_figure(ax.figure) if axis_ticklabels_overlap(xtl): plt.setp(xtl, rotation="vertical") if axis_ticklabels_overlap(ytl): plt.setp(ytl, rotation="horizontal") # Annotate the cells with the formatted values if annot: mesh.update_scalarmappable() height, width = annot_data.shape xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width) + 0.5, np.arange(height) + 0.5) # print(mesh.get_array().flat) for x, y, m, color, val in zip( xpos.flat, ypos.flat, mesh.get_array().flat, mesh.get_facecolors(), annot_data.flat, ): if m is not lum = _calculate_luminance(color) text_color = ".15" if lum > 0.408 else "w" if not fmt is None: annotation = ("{:" + fmt + "}").format(val) else: annotation = val text_kwargs = dict(color=text_color, ha="center", va="center") text_kwargs.update(annot_kws) ax.text(x, y, annotation, **text_kwargs) ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.yaxis.tick_left() return ax
[docs]class Branch(): def __init__(self, x,y): self.x = x self.y = y self.parent = None self.left=None self.right=None self.create_branch()
[docs] def create_branch(self): self.left_pos=(self.x[0],self.y[0]) self.right_pos=(self.x[-1],self.y[-1]) # self.h_diff=self.x[2]-self.x[1] self.root_pos=(np.mean(self.x[1:-1]),np.mean(self.y[1:-1])) self.left_is_parent=self.left_pos[1]!=0 #y pos not equal to 0 self.right_is_parent=self.right_pos[1]!=0 # y pos not equal to 0
[docs]class DenTree: def __init__(self, icoord,dcoord): self.icoord = icoord self.dcoord = dcoord self.create_tree()
[docs] def create_tree(self): self.branches={} #keys are root, values are brahcn self.parents = [] #keys are root self.leaves = [] # keys are left or right node for x,y in zip(self.icoord,self.dcoord): branch=Branch(x,y) self.branches[branch.root_pos]=branch for root_pos in self.branches: branch=self.branches[root_pos] # set parent node if branch.left_is_parent or branch.right_is_parent: # has child self.parents.append(branch.root_pos) if branch.left_is_parent: branch.left = self.branches[branch.left_pos] branch.left.parent=branch if branch.right_is_parent: branch.right = self.branches[branch.right_pos] branch.right.parent=branch if not branch.left_is_parent: self.leaves.append(branch.left_pos) if not branch.right_is_parent: self.leaves.append(branch.right_pos) self.leaves=sorted(self.leaves, key=lambda x: x[0]) #sort leaves by x coordinate self.parents=sorted(self.parents, key=lambda x: x[1]) #sort parents by y coordinate for key in self.branches: if self.branches[key].parent is None: root_pos=self.branches[key].root_pos self.root=self.branches[root_pos]
def __str__(self): return f"Root: {self.root}, {len(self.leaves)} leaves"
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[docs]class DendrogramPlotter(object): def __init__(self, data=None, linkage=None, metric='correlation', method='average', sizes=None, dendrogram_kws=None): """ Dendrogram plotter. In default, calculate the linkage for rows, index will be converted into labels. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame linkage : custom linkage. metric : str method : str sizes : list Sizes of rows or columns to scale x or y coordinate based on given sizes. dendrogram_kws : dict """ # if self.axis == 1: # columns dendrogram # data = data.T # if not transpose, when calculating dendrogram, each row is a point. self.check_array(data) self.shape = self.metric = metric self.method = method self.dendrogram_kws = dendrogram_kws if not dendrogram_kws is None else {} if linkage is None: self.linkage = self.calculated_linkage else: self.linkage = linkage if not sizes is None: # used to create dendrogram tree for cluster_between_groups self.sizes = {idx: s for idx, s in zip(, sizes)} else: self.sizes = None if data.shape[0] > 1: self.dendrogram = self.calculate_dendrogram() else: # only 1 row or col self.dendrogram = dict(icoord=[[5, 5, 5, 5]], dcoord=[[0, 1, 1, 0]], ivl=data.index.tolist(), leaves=[0])
[docs] def check_array(self, data): if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = pd.DataFrame(data) if data.isna().sum().sum() > 0: data = data.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.median()), axis=1) = data self.array = data.values
def _calculate_linkage_scipy(self): # linkage is calculated by columns # print(type(self.array),self.method,self.metric) linkage = hierarchy.linkage(self.array, method=self.method, metric=self.metric) return linkage # array is a distance matrix? def _calculate_linkage_fastcluster(self): import fastcluster # Fastcluster has a memory-saving vectorized version, but only # with certain linkage methods, and mostly with euclidean metric # vector_methods = ('single', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward') euclidean_methods = ("centroid", "median", "ward") euclidean = self.metric == "euclidean" and self.method in euclidean_methods if euclidean or self.method == "single": return fastcluster.linkage_vector( self.array, method=self.method, metric=self.metric ) else: linkage = fastcluster.linkage( self.array, method=self.method, metric=self.metric ) return linkage @property def calculated_linkage(self): try: return self._calculate_linkage_fastcluster() except ImportError: if self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] >= 1000: msg = ( "Clustering large matrix with scipy. Installing " "`fastcluster` may give better performance." ) warnings.warn(msg) return self._calculate_linkage_scipy()
[docs] def calculate_dendrogram(self,): # Z (linkage) shape = (n,4), then dendrogram icoord shape = (n,4) return hierarchy.dendrogram( self.linkage, no_plot=True,, get_leaves=True, **self.dendrogram_kws ) # color_threshold=-np.inf,
@property def reordered_ind(self): """Indices of the matrix, reordered by the dendrogram""" return self.dendrogram["leaves"] # idx of the matrix
[docs] def get_coords(self,ax,gap_pixel=None,root_x=None): self.dependent_coord = np.array(self.dendrogram["dcoord"]) self.independent_coord = np.array(self.dendrogram["icoord"]) / 10 if self.sizes is None: return None icoord_max = self.icoord_max ratio, x_gap = 1, 0 sizes = [self.sizes[idx] for idx in self.dendrogram['ivl']] #self.sizes is a dict # sizes is the number of samples in each group cum_sizes = np.cumsum(sizes) if not gap_pixel is None: if self.axis==1: #vertical ax.set_xlim(0, self.icoord_max) real_width = ( ax.get_window_extent().width - (len(self.sizes) - 1) * gap_pixel ) # real_width = width after removing the gap ratio = real_width / ax.get_window_extent().width # scale the original x x_gap = ( (gap_pixel / ax.get_window_extent().width) * icoord_max ) # average gap for each leaf else: #horizontal ax.set_ylim(0, self.icoord_max) real_height = ( ax.get_window_extent().height - (len(self.sizes) - 1) * gap_pixel ) # width: number_of_leaves, real_width:? ratio = real_height / ax.get_window_extent().height # scale the original x x_gap = ( (gap_pixel / ax.get_window_extent().height) * icoord_max ) self.DenTree = DenTree(self.independent_coord, self.dependent_coord) xcoord_mapping = {} # map the old independent_coord to new coord # print(sizes,cum_sizes, ratio, x_gap, gap_pixel,root_x) if root_x is None: Frac=[x[0] % 1 for x in self.DenTree.leaves] else: # match root of deeper layer dendro to leaves of current dendro (upper layer) assert len(self.DenTree.leaves) == len(self.sizes) == len(root_x) root_x=[x / size for x,size in zip(root_x,sizes)] Frac=[root_x[int(x[0])] if (x[0] - 0.5) % 1 == 0 else x[0] % 1 for x in self.DenTree.leaves] # print(self.DenTree.leaves,root_x,Frac) # print(self.independent_coord,self.dependent_coord) for x,frac in zip(self.DenTree.leaves,Frac): idx = int(x[0]) new_x = frac * sizes[idx] * ratio if idx > 0: #not the first one, add the gap new_x += cum_sizes[idx - 1] * ratio + x_gap*idx xcoord_mapping[x[0]] = new_x # update the x coordinate for leaves node for key in self.DenTree.branches: branch=self.DenTree.branches[key] if not branch.left_is_parent: #left is leaf x1=xcoord_mapping[branch.left_pos[0]] y1=branch.left_pos[1] branch.left_pos = (x1, y1) if not branch.right_is_parent: x2 = xcoord_mapping[branch.right_pos[0]] y2=branch.right_pos[1] branch.right_pos=(x2, y2) y_root=branch.root_pos[1] x_root=(branch.left_pos[0]+branch.right_pos[0]) / 2 branch.root_pos=(x_root,y_root) for parent_pos in self.DenTree.parents: branch=self.DenTree.branches[parent_pos] if branch.left_is_parent: x1=branch.left.root_pos[0] xcoord_mapping[branch.left_pos[0]] = x1 else: #leaf x1 = branch.left_pos[0] if branch.right_is_parent: x2=branch.right.root_pos[0] xcoord_mapping[branch.right_pos[0]] = x2 else: # leaf x2 = branch.right_pos[0] xcoord_mapping[branch.root_pos[0]]=(x1+x2) / 2 y_root = branch.root_pos[1] x_root = (x1+x2) / 2 branch.root_pos = (x_root, y_root) self.independent_coord = np.array( [[xcoord_mapping[i] for i in a] for a in self.independent_coord] )
[docs] def plot(self, ax, gap_pixel=None, root_x=None,tree_kws=None, bezier=False,dotsize=1,root_dot=True,axis=1,label=False, orientation=None,invert=True): """Plots a dendrogram of the similarities between data on the axes Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object upon which the dendrogram is plotted axis : int 0 for rows (default) and 1 for columns. label : bool rotate : bool If axis==0 and one would like to plot row dendrogram, rotate should be True """ tree_kws = {} if tree_kws is None else tree_kws tree_kws.setdefault("linewidth", 0.5) tree_kws.setdefault("colors", None) self.axis=axis if self.sizes is None: self.icoord_max = len(self.reordered_ind) else: self.icoord_max = sum([self.sizes[k] for k in self.sizes]) # total number of leaves self.get_coords(ax,gap_pixel,root_x) # tree_kws.setdefault("colors", tree_kws.pop("color", (.2, .2, .2))) self.root_x=np.mean(self.independent_coord[-1][1:3]) root_y = np.mean(self.dependent_coord[-1][1:3]) if orientation is None: orientation='left' if axis==0 else 'top' if axis == 0: # 0 is rows, 1 is columns (default) coords = zip( self.dependent_coord, self.independent_coord ) # independent is icoord (x), such as 0.5,1.5,2.5,1.25.., horizontal # self.root=(root_y,root_x) # the middle point of the most top level line. else: # axis control whether to tranpose the data, rotate: horizontal or vert coords = zip(self.independent_coord, self.dependent_coord) # vertical # self.root = (root_x, root_y) # lines = LineCollection([list(zip(x,y)) for x,y in coords], **tree_kws) # # ax.add_collection(lines) colors = tree_kws.pop("colors") if colors is None: # colors=self.dendrogram['leaves_color_list'] colors = ["black"] * len(self.dendrogram["ivl"]) if type(colors) == str: colors = [colors] * len(self.dendrogram["ivl"]) for (x, y), color in zip(coords, colors): if bezier: center_x = np.mean(x[1:-1]) center_y = np.mean(y[1:-1]) center = (center_x, center_y) bx, by = evaluate_bezier(getControlPoints((x[0],y[0]),center,axis=self.axis)) ax.plot(bx, by, color=color) bx, by = evaluate_bezier(getControlPoints((x[-1], y[-1]), center,axis=self.axis)) ax.plot(bx, by, color=color) if root_dot: ax.scatter(center_x, center_y, color=color,s=dotsize) ax.scatter(x[0], y[0], color=color, s=dotsize) ax.scatter(x[-1], y[-1], color=color, s=dotsize) else: ax.plot(x, y, color=color, **tree_kws) # Dendrogram ends are always at multiples of 5, who knows why ticks = np.arange([0]) + 0.5 # xticklabels if label: ticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels( ticklabels = [ticklabels[i] for i in self.reordered_ind] if orientation=='left': # horizonal, axis=0 self.xticks = [] self.yticks = ticks self.xticklabels = [] self.yticklabels = ticklabels self.ylabel = _index_to_label( self.xlabel = "" else: # vertical self.xticks = ticks self.yticks = [] self.xticklabels = ticklabels self.yticklabels = [] self.ylabel = "" self.xlabel = _index_to_label( else: self.xticks, self.yticks = [], [] self.yticklabels, self.xticklabels = [], [] self.xlabel, self.ylabel = "", "" if orientation=='left': # if axis==0, rotate should be set to True ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") ax.set_ylim(0, self.icoord_max) ax.set_xlim(0, root_y) # before rotate: left -> right, bottom -> top if invert: ax.invert_xaxis() # right -> left, root on the left, leaf on the right. ax.invert_yaxis() # top -> bottom, consistent with heatmap pcolormesh else: # vertical, left -> right, bototom -> top. y for leaf is 0, y_root is larger. ax.set_xlim(0, self.icoord_max) ax.set_ylim(0, root_y) despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, left=True) ax.set( xticks=self.xticks, yticks=self.yticks, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, ) xtl = ax.set_xticklabels(self.xticklabels) ytl = ax.set_yticklabels(self.yticklabels, rotation="vertical") if len(ytl) > 0 and axis_ticklabels_overlap(ytl): plt.setp(ytl, rotation="horizontal") if len(xtl) > 0 and axis_ticklabels_overlap(xtl): plt.setp(xtl, rotation="vertical") = ax return self
# =============================================================================
[docs]class ClusterMapPlotter: """ Clustermap (Heatmap) plotter. Plot heatmap / clustermap with annotation and legends. Parameters ---------- data : dataframe pandas dataframe or numpy array. z_score : int whether to perform z score scale, either 0 for rows or 1 for columns, after scale, value range would be from -1 to 1. standard_scale : int either 0 for rows or 1 for columns, after scale,value range would be from 0 to 1. top_annotation : annotation: class of HeatmapAnnotation. bottom_annotation : class AnnotationBase the same as top_annotation. left_annotation :class AnnotationBase the same as top_annotation. right_annotation :class AnnotationBase the same as top_annotation. row_cluster :bool whether to perform cluster on rows/columns. Setting it to False will preserve the row order of the input data. col_cluster :bool whether to perform cluster on rows/columns. Setting it to False will preserve the column order of the input data. row_cluster_method :str cluster method for row/columns linkage, such single, complete, average,weighted, centroid, median, ward. see scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage or ( for detail. row_cluster_metric : str Pairwise distances between observations in n-dimensional space for row/columns, such euclidean, minkowski, cityblock, seuclidean, cosine, correlation, hamming, jaccard, chebyshev, canberra, braycurtis, mahalanobis, kulsinski centroid, median, ward. see scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage or Please try metric='canberra' if there are two columns having the same values. col_cluster_method :str same as row_cluster_method col_cluster_metric :str same as row_cluster_metric show_rownames :bool True (default) or False, whether to show row ticklabels. show_colnames : bool True of False, same as show_rownames. row_names_side :str right or left. col_names_side :str top or bottom. row_dendrogram :bool True or False, whether to show dendrogram. col_dendrogram :bool True or False, whether to show dendrogram. row_dendrogram_size :int default is 10mm. col_dendrogram_size :int default is 10mm. row_split :int or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame number of cluster for hierarchical clustering or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, used to split rows or rows into subplots. col_split :int or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame int or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame, used to split rows or columns into subplots. row_dendrogram_kws :dict custom linkage could be passed to row_dendrogram_kws, for example: row_dendrogram_kws=dict(linkage=my_linkage); Other kws passed to hierarchy.dendrogram. col_dendrogram_kws: dict custom linkage could be passed to col_dendrogram_kws, for example: col_dendrogram_kws=dict(linkage=my_linkage); Other kws passed to hierarchy.dendrogram. tree_kws :dict in addition to parameter colors, all other kws passed to DendrogramPlotter.plot() row_split_order: list or str a list to specify the order of row_split, could also be 'cluster_between_groups', if cluster_between_groups was specified, hierarchical clustering will be performed on the mean values for each groups and pass the clsutered order to row_split_order. For example, see col_split_order: list or str a list to specify the order of col_split, could also be 'cluster_between_groups', if cluster_between_groups was specified, hierarchical clustering will be performed on the mean values for each groups and pass the clsutered order to row_split_order. row_split_gap :float default are 0.5 and 0.2 mm for row and col. col_split_gap :float default are 0.5 and 0.2 mm for row and col. mask :dataframe or array mask the data in heatmap, the cell with missing values of infinite values will be masked automatically. subplot_gap :float the gap between subplots, default is 1mm. legend :bool True or False, whether to plot heatmap legend, determined by cmap. legend_kws :dict vmax, vmin and other kws passed to plot legend, such asfontsize, fontsize, labelcolor, numpoints, markerscale, markerfirst, frameon shadow, facecolor, edgecolor, title, title_fontsize, labelspacing and so on (see ?plt.legend) Alaternatively, we can also change the outline color and linewidth of cbar after plotting: ``` cm=ClusterMapPlotter(...) for cbar in cm.cbars: if isinstance(cbar,matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar): cbar.outline.set_color('white') cbar.outline.set_linewidth(2) cbar.dividers.set_color('red') cbar.dividers.set_linewidth(2) ``` plot :bool whether to plot or not. plot_legend :bool True or False, whether to plot legend, if False, legends can be plot with ClusterMapPlotter.plot_legends() legend_anchor :str ax_heatmap or ax, the ax to which legend anchor. legend_order: str, bool or list control the order of legends, default is 'auto', sorted by length of legend. could also be True/False or a list (or tuple), if a list / tuple is provided, values should be the label (title) of each legend. legend_gap :float the columns gap between different legends. legend_width: float [mm] width of the legend, default is None (infer from data automatically) legend_hpad: float Horizonal space between the heatmap and legend, default is 2 [mm]. legend_vpad: float Vertical space between the top of legend_anchor and legend, default is 5 [mm]. legend_side :str right of left. cmap :str default is 'jet', the colormap for heatmap colorbar, see plt.colormaps(). label :str the title (label) that will be shown in heatmap colorbar legend. xticklabels_kws :dict xticklabels or yticklabels kws, such as axis, which, direction, length, width, color, pad, labelsize, labelcolor, colors, zorder, bottom, top, left, right, labelbottom, labeltop, labelleft, labelright, labelrotation, grid_color, grid_linestyle and so on. For more information,see ?matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params or ?ax.tick_params. yticklabels_kws :dict the same as xticklabels_kws. xlabel: str default is None (no xlabel would be shown). ylabel: str default is None (no ylabel would be shown). xlabel_kws: dict alpha,color,fontfamily,fontname,fontproperties,fontsize,fontstyle, fontweight,label,rasterized,rotation,rotation_mode(default,anchor),visible, zorder,verticalalignment,horizontalalignment. See, for example: ``` cm=ClusterMapPlotter(***), print( ``` or ``` for detail. ``` ylabel_kws: dict sams as xlabel_kws xlabel_side: str bottom or top, default is bottom, ylabel_side: str left or right, default is left xlabel_bbox_kws: dict alpha,clip_box, clip_on,edgecolor,facecolor,fill,height,in_layout,label, linestyle, linewidth,rasterized,visible,width. See ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch().properties() for more information. For example: ``` cm=ClusterMapPlotter(***), print( ``` ylabel_bbox_kws: dict same as xlabel_bbox_kws rasterized :bool default is auto, when the number of rows or number of cols > 5000, rasterized would be automatically set to True to speed up the plotting. kwargs :kws passed to plot_heatmap, including vmin, vmax,center,robust, annot, annot_kws, fmt, mask, linewidths linecolor, na_col, cbar,cbar_kwss, xticklabels/yticklabels and so on (see ?PyComplexHeatmap.clustermap.plot_heatmap). If annot is True, the values of data will be plotted on the top of heatmap, if annot is a dataframe, then the custom values will be plotted on heatmap, fmt should be set to None if dtype of annot is str. For documentation of custom annot, see xticklabels/yticklabels will be shown automatically, if the width/height is too small to display all xticklabels, not all ticklabels will be shown (to avoid overlap). To force display all ticklabels, set xticklabels/yticklabels to True. Returns ------- Class ClusterMapPlotter. """ def __init__( self, data, z_score=None, standard_scale=None, top_annotation=None, bottom_annotation=None, left_annotation=None, right_annotation=None, row_cluster=True, col_cluster=True, row_cluster_method="average", row_cluster_metric="correlation", col_cluster_method="average", col_cluster_metric="correlation", show_rownames=False, show_colnames=False, row_names_side="right", col_names_side="bottom", xticklabels_kws=None, yticklabels_kws=None, row_dendrogram=False, col_dendrogram=False, row_dendrogram_size=10, col_dendrogram_size=10, row_split=None, col_split=None, row_dendrogram_kws=None, col_dendrogram_kws=None, bezier=False, dotsize=1, tree_kws=None, row_split_order=None, col_split_order=None, row_split_gap=0.5, col_split_gap=0.2, mask=None, subplot_gap=1, legend=True, legend_kws=None, plot=True, plot_legend=True, legend_order="auto", legend_anchor="auto", legend_gap=7, legend_width=None, legend_hpad=1, legend_vpad=5, legend_side="right", cmap="jet", label=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlabel_kws=None, ylabel_kws=None, xlabel_side='bottom', ylabel_side='left', xlabel_bbox_kws=None, ylabel_bbox_kws=None, rasterized='auto', legend_delta_x=None, verbose=1, **kwargs ): self.kwargs = kwargs if not kwargs is None else {} self.rasterized = rasterized self.data2d = self.format_data(data, mask, z_score, standard_scale) self.verbose = verbose self._define_kws(xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws) self.top_annotation = top_annotation self.bottom_annotation = bottom_annotation self.left_annotation = left_annotation self.right_annotation = right_annotation self.row_dendrogram_size = row_dendrogram_size self.col_dendrogram_size = col_dendrogram_size self.row_cluster = row_cluster self.col_cluster = col_cluster self.row_cluster_method = row_cluster_method self.row_cluster_metric = row_cluster_metric self.col_cluster_method = col_cluster_method self.col_cluster_metric = col_cluster_metric self.show_rownames = show_rownames self.show_colnames = show_colnames self.row_names_side = row_names_side self.col_names_side = col_names_side self.row_dendrogram = row_dendrogram self.col_dendrogram = col_dendrogram self.subplot_gap = subplot_gap self.row_dendrogram_kws = {} if row_dendrogram_kws is None else row_dendrogram_kws self.col_dendrogram_kws = {} if col_dendrogram_kws is None else col_dendrogram_kws self.bezier=bezier self.dotsize=dotsize self.tree_kws = {} if tree_kws is None else tree_kws self.row_split = row_split self.col_split = col_split self.row_split_gap = row_split_gap self.col_split_gap = col_split_gap self.row_split_order = row_split_order self.col_split_order = col_split_order self.legend = legend self.legend_kws = legend_kws if not legend_kws is None else {} self.legend_side = legend_side self.cmap = cmap self.label = label if not label is None else "heatmap" self.legend_gap = legend_gap self.legend_width = legend_width self.legend_hpad = legend_hpad self.legend_vpad = legend_vpad self.legend_anchor = legend_anchor self.legend_order=legend_order self.legend_delta_x = legend_delta_x self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.xlabel_kws = xlabel_kws if not xlabel_kws is None else {} self.ylabel_kws = ylabel_kws if not ylabel_kws is None else {} self.xlabel_side = xlabel_side self.ylabel_side = ylabel_side self.xlabel_bbox_kws = xlabel_bbox_kws self.ylabel_bbox_kws = ylabel_bbox_kws if plot: self.plot() if plot_legend: if legend_anchor == "auto": if ( not self.right_annotation is None and self.legend_side == "right" ): legend_anchor = "ax" else: legend_anchor = "ax_heatmap" if legend_anchor == "ax_heatmap": self.plot_legends(ax=self.ax_heatmap) else: self.plot_legends( self.post_processing() def _define_kws(self, xticklabels_kws, yticklabels_kws): self.yticklabels_kws = {} if yticklabels_kws is None else yticklabels_kws # self.yticklabels_kws.setdefault('labelrotation', 0) self.xticklabels_kws = {} if xticklabels_kws is None else xticklabels_kws
[docs] def format_data(self, data, mask=None, z_score=None, standard_scale=None): data2d = data.copy() if z_score is not None and standard_scale is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot perform both z-scoring and standard-scaling on data" ) if z_score is not None: data2d = self.z_score(data, z_score) if standard_scale is not None: data2d = self.standard_scale(data, standard_scale) self.kwargs.setdefault("vmin", np.nanmin(data2d)) self.kwargs.setdefault("vmax", np.nanmax(data2d)) self.kwargs.setdefault('xticklabels',"auto") self.kwargs.setdefault('yticklabels', "auto") self.mask = _check_mask(data2d, mask) if self.rasterized == 'auto': if max(data2d.shape[0], data2d.shape[1]) > 5000: self.rasterized = True else: self.rasterized = False return data2d
def _define_gs_ratio(self): self.top_heights = [] self.bottom_heights = [] self.left_widths = [] self.right_widths = [] if self.col_dendrogram: self.top_heights.append( self.col_dendrogram_size * mm2inch * ) if self.row_dendrogram: self.left_widths.append( self.row_dendrogram_size * mm2inch * ) if not self.top_annotation is None: self.top_heights.append( sum(self.top_annotation.heights) * mm2inch * ) else: self.top_heights.append(0) if not self.left_annotation is None: self.left_widths.append( sum(self.left_annotation.heights) * mm2inch * ) else: self.left_widths.append(0) if not self.bottom_annotation is None: self.bottom_heights.append( sum(self.bottom_annotation.heights) * mm2inch * ) else: self.bottom_heights.append(0) if not self.right_annotation is None: self.right_widths.append( sum(self.right_annotation.heights) * mm2inch * ) else: self.right_widths.append(0) heatmap_h = ( - sum(self.top_heights) - sum(self.bottom_heights) ) # heights for annotations is already fixed, the rest is for heatmap heatmap_w = ( - sum(self.left_widths) - sum(self.right_widths) ) self.heights = [sum(self.top_heights), heatmap_h, sum(self.bottom_heights)] self.widths = [sum(self.left_widths), heatmap_w, sum(self.right_widths)] def _define_axes(self, subplot_spec=None): wspace = ( self.subplot_gap * mm2inch * / ( / 3) ) hspace = ( self.subplot_gap * mm2inch * / ( / 3) ) if subplot_spec is None: = 3, 3, width_ratios=self.widths, height_ratios=self.heights, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, ) else: = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 3, 3, width_ratios=self.widths, height_ratios=self.heights, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, subplot_spec=subplot_spec, ) # left -> right, top -> bottom self.ax_heatmap =[1, 1]) self.ax_top =[0, 1], sharex=self.ax_heatmap) self.ax_bottom =[2, 1], sharex=self.ax_heatmap ) self.ax_left =[1, 0], sharey=self.ax_heatmap) self.ax_right =[1, 2], sharey=self.ax_heatmap ) self.ax_heatmap.set_xlim([0, self.data2d.shape[1]]) self.ax_heatmap.set_ylim([0, self.data2d.shape[0]]) # self.ax_heatmap.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.ax_heatmap.xaxis.set_visible(False) axis="both", which="both", left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, ) self.ax_heatmap.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", left=False, right=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, ) # # add xlabel and ylabel, to comment out this line. despine(, bottom=True, left=True, top=True, right=True) #,right=right,top=top,bottom=bottom) #,0,1,1,hspace=0.1,wspace=0) #, 0.03) # _draw_figure( #,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0,pad=0) def _define_top_axes(self): self.top_gs = None if self.top_annotation is None and self.col_dendrogram: self.ax_col_dendrogram = self.ax_top self.ax_top_annotation = None elif self.top_annotation is None and not self.col_dendrogram: self.ax_top_annotation = None self.ax_col_dendrogram = None elif self.col_dendrogram: self.top_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 1, hspace=0, wspace=0,[0, 1], height_ratios=[ self.col_dendrogram_size, sum(self.top_annotation.heights), ], ) self.ax_top_annotation = self.ax_top.figure.add_subplot(self.top_gs[1, 0]) self.ax_col_dendrogram = self.ax_top.figure.add_subplot(self.top_gs[0, 0]) else: self.ax_top_annotation = self.ax_top self.ax_col_dendrogram = None self.ax_top.set_axis_off() def _define_left_axes(self): self.left_gs = None if self.left_annotation is None and self.row_dendrogram: self.ax_row_dendrogram = self.ax_left self.ax_left_annotation = None elif self.left_annotation is None and not self.row_dendrogram: self.ax_left_annotation = None self.ax_row_dendrogram = None elif self.row_dendrogram: self.left_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 1, 2, hspace=0, wspace=0,[1, 0], width_ratios=[ self.row_dendrogram_size, sum(self.left_annotation.heights), ], ) # 1 row, 2columns (row dendrogram + left annotation) self.ax_left_annotation = self.ax_left.figure.add_subplot( self.left_gs[0, 1] ) self.ax_row_dendrogram = self.ax_left.figure.add_subplot(self.left_gs[0, 0]) self.ax_row_dendrogram.set_axis_off() else: self.ax_left_annotation = self.ax_left self.ax_row_dendrogram = None self.ax_left.set_axis_off() def _define_bottom_axes(self): if self.bottom_annotation is None: self.ax_bottom_annotation = None else: self.ax_bottom_annotation = self.ax_bottom self.ax_bottom.set_axis_off() def _define_right_axes(self): if self.right_annotation is None: self.ax_right_annotation = None else: self.ax_right_annotation = self.ax_right self.ax_right.set_axis_off()
[docs] @staticmethod def z_score(data2d, axis=1): """ Standarize the mean and variance of the data axis Parameters ---------- data2d : pandas.DataFrame Data to normalize axis : int Which axis to normalize across. If 0, normalize across rows, if 1, normalize across columns. Returns ------- normalized : pandas.DataFrame Noramlized data with a mean of 0 and variance of 1 across the specified axis. """ if axis == 1: z_scored = data2d else: z_scored = data2d.T z_scored = (z_scored - z_scored.mean()) / z_scored.std() if axis == 1: return z_scored else: return z_scored.T
[docs] @staticmethod def standard_scale(data2d, axis=1): """ Divide the data by the difference between the max and min Parameters ---------- data2d : pandas.DataFrame Data to normalize axis : int Which axis to normalize across. If 0, normalize across rows, if 1, normalize across columns. Returns ------- standardized : pandas.DataFrame Noramlized data with a mean of 0 and variance of 1 across the specified axis. """ # Normalize these values to range from 0 to 1 if axis == 1: standardized = data2d else: standardized = data2d.T subtract = standardized.min() standardized = (standardized - subtract) / ( standardized.max() - standardized.min() ) if axis == 1: return standardized else: return standardized.T
[docs] def calculate_row_dendrograms(self, data, sizes=None,use_linkage=True): row_dendrogram_kws=self.row_dendrogram_kws.copy() if use_linkage: linkage=row_dendrogram_kws.pop('linkage',None) else: linkage=None self.dendrogram_row = DendrogramPlotter( data, linkage=linkage, metric=self.row_cluster_metric, method=self.row_cluster_method, sizes=sizes, dendrogram_kws=row_dendrogram_kws, ) if not self.ax_row_dendrogram is None: self.ax_row_dendrogram.set_axis_off()
# despine(ax=self.ax_row_dendrogram, bottom=True, left=True, top=True, right=True) # self.ax_col_dendrogram.spines['top'].set_visible(False)
[docs] def calculate_col_dendrograms(self, data, sizes=None,use_linkage=True): col_dendrogram_kws = self.col_dendrogram_kws.copy() if use_linkage: linkage = col_dendrogram_kws.pop('linkage', None) else: linkage = None self.dendrogram_col = DendrogramPlotter( data.T, linkage=linkage, metric=self.col_cluster_metric, method=self.col_cluster_method, sizes=sizes, dendrogram_kws=col_dendrogram_kws, ) # self.dendrogram_col.plot(ax=self.ax_col_dendrogram) # despine(ax=self.ax_col_dendrogram, bottom=True, left=True, top=True, right=True) if not self.ax_col_dendrogram is None: self.ax_col_dendrogram.set_axis_off()
[docs] def cal_rowd_between_groups(self,row_clusters): mat = pd.concat([ self.data2d.loc[rows].mean() for rows in row_clusters.tolist()], axis=1).T # columns are original columns mat.index = row_clusters.index.tolist() sizes = row_clusters.apply(lambda x: len(x)).tolist() self.calculate_row_dendrograms(mat, sizes=sizes)
[docs] def cal_cold_between_groups(self,col_clusters): mat = pd.concat([ self.data2d.loc[:, cols].mean(axis=1) for cols in col_clusters.tolist()], axis=1) # index are original rows labels mat.columns = col_clusters.index.tolist() sizes = col_clusters.apply(lambda x: len(x)).tolist() self.calculate_col_dendrograms(mat, sizes=sizes)
def _reorder_rows(self): self.row_split_dendrogram = False if self.verbose >= 1: print("Reordering rows..") if self.row_split is None and self.row_cluster: self.calculate_row_dendrograms( self.data2d ) # xind=self.dendrogram_row.reordered_ind self.row_order = [ self.dendrogram_row.dendrogram["ivl"] ] # self.data2d.iloc[:, xind].columns.tolist() return None if isinstance(self.row_split, int) and self.row_cluster: self.calculate_row_dendrograms(self.data2d) #generate self.dendrogram_row row_clusters = ( pd.Series( hierarchy.fcluster( self.dendrogram_row.linkage, t=self.row_split, criterion="maxclust", ), index=self.data2d.index.tolist(), ) .to_frame(name="cluster") .groupby("cluster") .apply(lambda x: x.index.tolist()) ) self.cal_rowd_between_groups(row_clusters) row_split_order = self.dendrogram_row.dendrogram["ivl"] self.row_split_dendrogram = self.dendrogram_row self.row_clusters = row_clusters.loc[row_split_order].to_dict() elif isinstance(self.row_split, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): if isinstance(self.row_split, pd.Series): self.row_split = self.row_split.to_frame( cols = self.row_split.columns.tolist() row_clusters = self.row_split.groupby(cols).apply( lambda x: x.index.tolist() ) if ( self.row_split_order is None or self.row_split_order == 'cluster_between_groups' ): self.cal_rowd_between_groups(row_clusters) self.row_split_dendrogram = self.dendrogram_row #dendrogram between groups row_split_order = self.dendrogram_row.dendrogram["ivl"] else: row_split_order=self.row_split_order self.row_clusters = row_clusters.loc[row_split_order].to_dict() elif not self.row_cluster: self.row_order = [self.data2d.index.tolist()] return None else: raise TypeError("row_split must be integar or dataframe or series") self.row_order = [] self.dendrogram_rows = [] #store DendrogramPlotter object for all row clusters for i, cluster in enumerate(self.row_clusters): rows = self.row_clusters[cluster] if len(rows) <= 1 and isinstance(self.row_split_order,(list,np.ndarray)): self.row_order.append(rows) self.dendrogram_rows.append(None) continue if self.row_cluster: # cluster within groups self.calculate_row_dendrograms(self.data2d.loc[rows]) self.dendrogram_rows.append(self.dendrogram_row) self.row_order.append(self.dendrogram_row.dendrogram["ivl"]) else: self.row_order.append(rows) def _reorder_cols(self): self.col_split_dendrogram = False if self.verbose >= 1: print("Reordering cols..") if self.col_split is None and self.col_cluster: self.calculate_col_dendrograms(self.data2d) self.col_order = [ self.dendrogram_col.dendrogram["ivl"] ] # self.data2d.iloc[:, xind].columns.tolist() return None if isinstance(self.col_split, int) and self.col_cluster: self.calculate_col_dendrograms(self.data2d) col_clusters = ( pd.Series( hierarchy.fcluster( self.dendrogram_col.linkage, t=self.col_split, criterion="maxclust", ), index=self.data2d.columns.tolist(), ) .to_frame(name="cluster") .groupby("cluster") .apply(lambda x: x.index.tolist()) ) self.cal_cold_between_groups(col_clusters) col_split_order = self.dendrogram_col.dendrogram["ivl"] self.col_split_dendrogram = self.dendrogram_col self.col_clusters = col_clusters.loc[col_split_order].to_dict() elif isinstance(self.col_split, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): if isinstance(self.col_split, pd.Series): self.col_split = self.col_split.to_frame( cols = self.col_split.columns.tolist() col_clusters = self.col_split.groupby(cols).apply( lambda x: x.index.tolist() ) if ( self.col_split_order is None or self.col_split_order == 'cluster_between_groups' ): self.cal_cold_between_groups(col_clusters) self.col_split_dendrogram = self.dendrogram_col col_split_order = self.dendrogram_col.dendrogram["ivl"] else: col_split_order=self.col_split_order self.col_clusters = col_clusters.loc[col_split_order].to_dict() elif not self.col_cluster: self.col_order = [self.data2d.columns.tolist()] return None else: raise TypeError("row_split must be integar or dataframe or series") self.col_order = [] self.dendrogram_cols = [] for i, cluster in enumerate(self.col_clusters): cols = self.col_clusters[cluster] if len(cols) <= 1 and isinstance(self.col_split_order,(list,np.ndarray)): self.col_order.append(cols) self.dendrogram_cols.append(None) #only one column continue if self.col_cluster: self.calculate_col_dendrograms(self.data2d.loc[:, cols]) self.dendrogram_cols.append(self.dendrogram_col) self.col_order.append(self.dendrogram_col.dendrogram["ivl"]) else: self.col_order.append(cols)
[docs] def plot_dendrograms(self, row_order, col_order): rcmap = self.tree_kws.pop("row_cmap", None) ccmap = self.tree_kws.pop("col_cmap", None) if ( self.row_split_order == 'cluster_between_groups' and self.row_split_dendrogram and self.row_dendrogram ): self.row_split_dendrogram.plot( ax=self.ax_row_dendrogram,axis=0, gap_pixel=self.row_split_gap_pixel, tree_kws=self.tree_kws.copy(), bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize) elif self.row_cluster and self.row_dendrogram: if self.left_annotation is None: gs =[1, 0] else: gs = self.left_gs[0, 0] ncols = 2 if len(row_order) > 1 and self.row_split_dendrogram else 1 self.row_dendrogram_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( len(row_order), ncols, hspace=self.hspace, wspace=0, subplot_spec=gs, height_ratios=[len(rows) for rows in row_order], # width_ratios=width_ratios, ) #add another column of axes (on the left) to plot self.row_split_dendrogram self.ax_row_dendrogram_axes = [] for i in range(len(row_order)): ax1 = self.ax_row_dendrogram.figure.add_subplot( self.row_dendrogram_gs[i, -1] ) ax1.set_axis_off() self.ax_row_dendrogram_axes.append(ax1) if ncols > 1 and self.row_split_dendrogram: root_dot=True else: root_dot=False try: n=len(self.dendrogram_rows) tree_kws = self.tree_kws.copy() if rcmap is None: if 'colors' not in self.tree_kws: color = 'black' else: color = self.tree_kws['colors'] colors = [color] * n else: colors = [ get_colormap(rcmap)(i) for i in range(len(self.dendrogram_rows)) ] for ax_row_dendrogram, dendrogram_row, color in zip( self.ax_row_dendrogram_axes, self.dendrogram_rows, colors ): if dendrogram_row is None: continue tree_kws["colors"] = [color] * len(dendrogram_row.dendrogram["ivl"]) dendrogram_row.plot(ax=ax_row_dendrogram, axis=0,tree_kws=tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=root_dot) except: #self.dendrogram_rows does not existed, because row_split is None self.dendrogram_row.plot( ax=self.ax_row_dendrogram, axis=0,tree_kws=self.tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=root_dot ) if ncols > 1 and self.row_split_dendrogram: #plot extra parent self.row_split_dendrogram if 'colors' not in self.tree_kws: color = 'black' else: color = self.tree_kws['colors'] tree_kws['colors'] = color root_x=[dendrogram_row.root_x for dendrogram_row in self.dendrogram_rows] self.ax_row_split_dendrogram=self.ax_row_dendrogram.figure.add_subplot( self.row_dendrogram_gs[:, 0] ) self.ax_row_split_dendrogram.set_axis_off() self.row_split_dendrogram.plot( ax=self.ax_row_split_dendrogram,axis=0, gap_pixel=self.row_split_gap_pixel, root_x=root_x, tree_kws=tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize, root_dot=False) if (self.col_split_order == 'cluster_between_groups' and self.col_split_dendrogram and self.col_dendrogram ): self.col_split_dendrogram.plot( ax=self.ax_col_dendrogram,axis=1, gap_pixel=self.col_split_gap_pixel, tree_kws=self.tree_kws.copy(), bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=False) elif self.col_cluster and self.col_dendrogram: if self.top_annotation is None: gs =[0, 1] else: gs = self.top_gs[0, 0] nrows = 2 if len(col_order) > 1 and self.col_split_dendrogram else 1 #how many rows in col_dendrogram_ax # height_ratios = None if nrows == 1 else [1, 2] self.col_dendrogram_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows, len(col_order), hspace=0, wspace=self.wspace, subplot_spec=gs, width_ratios=[len(cols) for cols in col_order], # height_ratios=height_ratios ) self.ax_col_dendrogram_axes = [] for i in range(len(col_order)): ax1 = self.ax_col_dendrogram.figure.add_subplot( self.col_dendrogram_gs[-1, i] ) ax1.set_axis_off() self.ax_col_dendrogram_axes.append(ax1) if nrows > 1 and self.col_split_dendrogram: root_dot=True else: root_dot=False try: n=len(self.dendrogram_cols) tree_kws = self.tree_kws.copy() if ccmap is None: if 'colors' not in tree_kws: color = 'black' else: color = tree_kws['colors'] colors = [color] *n else: colors = [ get_colormap(ccmap)(i) for i in range(n) ] for ax_col_dendrogram, dendrogram_col, color in zip( self.ax_col_dendrogram_axes, self.dendrogram_cols, colors ): if dendrogram_col is None: continue tree_kws["colors"] = [color] * len(dendrogram_col.dendrogram["ivl"]) dendrogram_col.plot(ax=ax_col_dendrogram, axis=1,tree_kws=tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=root_dot) except: self.dendrogram_col.plot( ax=self.ax_col_dendrogram, axis=1,tree_kws=self.tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=root_dot ) if nrows > 1 and self.col_split_dendrogram: #plot between groups dendrogram if 'colors' not in self.tree_kws: color = 'black' else: color = self.tree_kws['colors'] tree_kws['colors'] = color root_x = [dendrogram_col.root_x for dendrogram_col in self.dendrogram_cols] self.ax_col_split_dendrogram=self.ax_col_dendrogram.figure.add_subplot( self.col_dendrogram_gs[0, :] ) self.ax_col_split_dendrogram.set_axis_off() self.col_split_dendrogram.plot( ax=self.ax_col_split_dendrogram,axis=1, gap_pixel=self.col_split_gap_pixel, root_x=root_x, tree_kws=tree_kws, bezier=self.bezier,dotsize=self.dotsize,root_dot=False)
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, row_order, col_order): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Plotting matrix..") nrows = len(row_order) ncols = len(col_order) self.col_split_gap_pixel = self.col_split_gap * mm2inch * self.wspace=( (self.col_split_gap_pixel * ncols) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().width + self.col_split_gap_pixel - self.col_split_gap_pixel*ncols ) ) # 1mm=mm2inch inch; pixels divided by average pixels # wspace: The amount of width reserved for space between subplots, # expressed as a fraction of the average axis width. # refer to: self.row_split_gap_pixel = self.row_split_gap * mm2inch * self.hspace = ( (self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().height + self.row_split_gap_pixel - self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows ) ) self.heatmap_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows, ncols, hspace=self.hspace, wspace=self.wspace,[1, 1], height_ratios=[len(rows) for rows in row_order], width_ratios=[len(cols) for cols in col_order], ) annot = self.kwargs.pop("annot", None) if annot is None or annot is False: annot=None else: if isinstance(annot, bool): annot_data = self.data2d else: annot_data = annot.copy() if annot_data.shape != self.data2d.shape: err = "`data` and `annot` must have same shape." raise ValueError(err) self.heatmap_axes = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=object) # if nrows > 1 or ncols > 1: self.ax_heatmap.set_axis_off() for i, rows in enumerate(row_order): for j, cols in enumerate(col_order): # print(i,j) ax1 = self.ax_heatmap.figure.add_subplot( self.heatmap_gs[i, j], sharex=self.heatmap_axes[0, j], sharey=self.heatmap_axes[i, 0], ) ax1.set_xlim([0, len(rows)]) ax1.set_ylim([0, len(cols)]) annot1 = None if annot is None else annot_data.loc[rows, cols] # heatmap(self.data2d.loc[rows, cols], ax=ax1, cbar=False, cmap=self.cmap, # cbar_kws=None, mask=self.mask.loc[rows, cols], rasterized=self.rasterized, # xticklabels='auto', yticklabels='auto', annot=annot1, **self.kwargs) plot_heatmap( self.data2d.loc[rows, cols], ax=ax1, cmap=self.cmap, mask=self.mask.loc[rows, cols], rasterized=self.rasterized, annot=annot1, **self.kwargs ) self.heatmap_axes[i, j] = ax1 ax1.yaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.xaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params( left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, )
[docs] def set_axes_labels_kws(self): # ax.set_xticks(ticks=np.arange(1, self.nrows + 1, 1), labels=self.plot_data.index.tolist()) self.ax_heatmap.yaxis.set_tick_params(**self.yticklabels_kws) self.ax_heatmap.xaxis.set_tick_params(**self.xticklabels_kws) self.yticklabels = [] self.xticklabels = [] if ( self.show_rownames and self.left_annotation is None and not self.row_dendrogram ) and ( (not self.right_annotation is None) or (self.right_annotation is None and self.row_names_side == "left") ): # tick left self.row_names_side = "left" self.yticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelrotation", 0) for i in range(self.heatmap_axes.shape[0]): self.heatmap_axes[i, 0].yaxis.set_visible(True) self.heatmap_axes[i, 0].tick_params( axis="y", which="both", left=False, labelleft=True ) self.heatmap_axes[i, 0].yaxis.set_tick_params( **self.yticklabels_kws ) # **self.ticklabels_kws plt.setp( self.heatmap_axes[i, 0].get_yticklabels(), rotation_mode="anchor", ha="right", va="center", ) self.yticklabels.extend(self.heatmap_axes[i, 0].get_yticklabels()) elif self.show_rownames and self.right_annotation is None: # tick right self.row_names_side = "right" self.yticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelrotation", 0) for i in range(self.heatmap_axes.shape[0]): self.heatmap_axes[ i, -1 ].yaxis.tick_right() # set_ticks_position('right') self.heatmap_axes[i, -1].yaxis.set_visible(True) self.heatmap_axes[i, -1].tick_params( axis="y", which="both", right=False, labelright=True ) self.heatmap_axes[i, -1].yaxis.set_tick_params(**self.yticklabels_kws) plt.setp( self.heatmap_axes[i, -1].get_yticklabels(), rotation_mode="anchor", ha="left", va="center", ) self.yticklabels.extend(self.heatmap_axes[i, -1].get_yticklabels()) if ( self.show_colnames and self.top_annotation is None and not self.col_dendrogram and ( (not self.bottom_annotation is None) or (self.bottom_annotation is None and self.col_names_side == "top") ) ): self.xticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelrotation", 90) ha = 'left' if self.xticklabels_kws.get('labelrotation') > 0 else 'right' for j in range(self.heatmap_axes.shape[1]): self.heatmap_axes[0, j].xaxis.tick_top() # ticks self.heatmap_axes[0, j].xaxis.set_visible(True) self.heatmap_axes[0, j].tick_params( axis="x", which="both", top=False, labeltop=True ) self.heatmap_axes[0, j].xaxis.set_tick_params(**self.xticklabels_kws) plt.setp( self.heatmap_axes[0, j].get_xticklabels(), rotation_mode="anchor", ha=ha, va="center", ) # rotation=90,ha=left is bottom, va is horizonal self.xticklabels.extend(self.heatmap_axes[0, j].get_xticklabels()) elif self.show_colnames and self.bottom_annotation is None: # tick bottom self.xticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelrotation", -90) ha='left' if self.xticklabels_kws.get('labelrotation') < 0 else 'right' for j in range(self.heatmap_axes.shape[1]): self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].xaxis.tick_bottom() # ticks self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].xaxis.set_visible(True) self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].tick_params( axis="x", which="both", bottom=False, labelbottom=True ) self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].xaxis.set_tick_params(**self.xticklabels_kws) plt.setp( self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].get_xticklabels(), rotation_mode="anchor", ha=ha, va="center", ) self.xticklabels.extend(self.heatmap_axes[-1, j].get_xticklabels())
#, right=2, bottom=0.03, top=0.97) #,y=0.1) # tight_params = dict(h_pad=.1, w_pad=.1) #**tight_params) # _draw_figure(
[docs] def set_xy_labels(self): if not self.xlabel is None: if (len(self.xticklabels) > 0 and self.xlabel_side == self.col_names_side == 'bottom' ): xticklabel_h = max( [label.get_window_extent().height for label in self.xticklabels] ) # unit is pixel else: xticklabel_h = 0 if 'labelpad' not in self.xlabel_kws: labelpad = xticklabel_h * 72 / # points; pixel to points: 1 point == fig.dpi/72. pixels else: labelpad = self.xlabel_kws.pop('labelpad') if 'position' not in self.xlabel_kws: ax_heatmap_box = self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent() ax_box = pos_x=(np.mean([ax_heatmap_box.x0,ax_heatmap_box.x1])-ax_box.x0) / ax_box.width self.xlabel_kws.setdefault('position',(pos_x,0)) self.xlabel_kws.setdefault("verticalalignment", "center"), labelpad=labelpad + if not self.xlabel_bbox_kws is None: self.xlabel_bbox_kws ) # ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch().properties() if not self.ylabel is None: if len(self.yticklabels) > 0 and self.row_names_side == self.ylabel_side: yticklabel_w = max( [label.get_window_extent().width for label in self.yticklabels] ) # unit is pixel else: yticklabel_w = 0 if 'labelpad' not in self.ylabel_kws: labelpad = yticklabel_w * 72 / # points; pixel to points: 1 point == fig.dpi/72. pixels else: labelpad = self.ylabel_kws.pop('labelpad') if 'position' not in self.xlabel_kws: ax_heatmap_box = self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent() ax_box = pos_y=(np.mean([ax_heatmap_box.y0,ax_heatmap_box.y1])-ax_box.y0) / ax_box.height self.ylabel_kws.setdefault('position',(0,pos_y)) self.ylabel_kws.setdefault("horizontalalignment", "center"), labelpad=labelpad + if not self.ylabel_bbox_kws is None: self.ylabel_bbox_kws ) # ax.xaxis.label.get_bbox_patch().properties()
[docs] def get_legend_list(self): if len(self.legend_dict) >= 1 and self.legend_order in [True, "auto"]: self.legend_list = [self.legend_dict[k] for k in self.legend_dict.keys()] self.legend_list = sorted(self.legend_list, key=lambda x: x[3]) elif len(self.legend_dict) >= 1 and isinstance(self.legend_order, (list, tuple)): self.legend_list = [self.legend_dict[k] for k in self.legend_order if k in self.legend_dict] elif len(self.legend_dict) >= 1: self.legend_list = [self.legend_dict[k] for k in self.legend_dict.keys()] else: self.legend_list = []
[docs] def collect_legends(self): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Collecting legends..") self.legend_dict = {} self.label_max_width = 0 for annotation in [ self.top_annotation, self.bottom_annotation, self.left_annotation, self.right_annotation, ]: if not annotation is None: annotation.collect_legends() if annotation.plot_legend and len(annotation.legend_dict) > 0: for k in annotation.legend_dict: self.legend_dict[k]=annotation.legend_dict[k] # print(annotation.label_max_width,self.label_max_width) if annotation.label_max_width > self.label_max_width: self.label_max_width = annotation.label_max_width if self.legend: # vmax = self.kwargs.get( # "vmax", np.nanmax(self.data2d[self.data2d != np.inf]) # ) # vmin = self.kwargs.get( # "vmin", np.nanmin(self.data2d[self.data2d != -np.inf]) # ) self.legend_kws.setdefault("vmin", self.kwargs.get('vmin')) #round(vmin, 2)) self.legend_kws.setdefault("vmax", self.kwargs.get('vmax')) #round(vmax, 2)) self.legend_kws.setdefault("center", self.kwargs.get('center',None)) self.legend_dict[self.label]=tuple([self.cmap, self.label, self.legend_kws, 4, "cmap"]) if len(self.yticklabels) > 0 and self.row_names_side == "right": max_yticklabel_w = max( [label.get_window_extent().width for label in self.yticklabels] ) else: max_yticklabel_w = 0 if not self.ylabel is None and self.ylabel_side == 'right': ylabel_w = else: ylabel_w = 0 if self.row_names_side == self.ylabel_side == 'right': heatmap_label_max_width = sum([max_yticklabel_w, ylabel_w]) else: heatmap_label_max_width = max([max_yticklabel_w, ylabel_w]) # heatmap_label_max_height = max([label.get_window_extent().height for label in self.yticklabels]) if len( # self.yticklabels) > 0 else 0 if ( heatmap_label_max_width >= self.label_max_width or self.legend_anchor == "ax_heatmap" ): self.label_max_width = heatmap_label_max_width # * 1.1 self.get_legend_list() #self.legend_list will be created
[docs] def plot_legends(self, ax=None): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Plotting legends..") if len(self.legend_list) > 0: if self.legend_side == "right" and not self.right_annotation is None: space = self.label_max_width elif ( self.legend_side == "right" and self.show_rownames and self.row_names_side == "right" ): space = self.label_max_width else: space = 0 # if self.right_annotation: # space+=sum(self.right_widths) legend_hpad = self.legend_hpad * mm2inch * self.legend_axes, self.cbars, self.boundry = plot_legend_list( self.legend_list, ax=ax, space=space + legend_hpad, legend_side=self.legend_side, gap=self.legend_gap, delta_x=self.legend_delta_x, legend_width=self.legend_width, legend_vpad=self.legend_vpad, verbose=self.verbose )
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, subplot_spec=None, row_order=None, col_order=None): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Starting plotting..") if ax is None: = plt.gca() else: = ax self._define_gs_ratio() self._define_axes(subplot_spec) self._define_top_axes() self._define_left_axes() self._define_bottom_axes() self._define_right_axes() if row_order is None: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Starting calculating row orders..") self._reorder_rows() row_order = self.row_order if col_order is None: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Starting calculating col orders..") self._reorder_cols() col_order = self.col_order self.plot_matrix(row_order=row_order, col_order=col_order) if not self.top_annotation is None: gs =[0, 1] if not self.col_dendrogram else self.top_gs[1, 0] self.top_annotation._set_orentation("up") self.top_annotation.plot_annotations( ax=self.ax_top_annotation, subplot_spec=gs, idxs=col_order, wspace=self.wspace, ) if not self.bottom_annotation is None: self.bottom_annotation._set_orentation("down") self.bottom_annotation.plot_annotations( ax=self.ax_bottom_annotation,[2, 1], idxs=col_order, wspace=self.wspace, ) if not self.left_annotation is None: gs =[1, 0] if not self.row_dendrogram else self.left_gs[0, 1] self.left_annotation._set_orentation("left") self.left_annotation.plot_annotations( ax=self.ax_left_annotation, subplot_spec=gs, idxs=row_order, hspace=self.hspace, ) if not self.right_annotation is None: self.right_annotation._set_orentation("right") self.right_annotation.plot_annotations( ax=self.ax_right_annotation,[1, 2], idxs=row_order, hspace=self.hspace, ) if self.row_cluster or self.col_cluster: if self.row_dendrogram or self.col_dendrogram: self.plot_dendrograms(row_order, col_order) self.set_axes_labels_kws() self.set_xy_labels() self.collect_legends() # _draw_figure(self.ax_heatmap.figure) return
[docs] def tight_layout(self, **tight_params): tight_params = ( dict(h_pad=0.02, w_pad=0.02) if tight_params is None else tight_params ) left = 0 right = 1 if self.legend and self.legend_side == "right": right = self.boundry elif self.legend and self.legend_side == "left": left = self.boundry tight_params.setdefault("rect", [left, 0, right, 1])**tight_params)
[docs] def set_height(self, fig, height): matplotlib.figure.Figure.set_figheight(fig, height) # convert mm to inches
[docs] def set_width(self, fig, width): matplotlib.figure.Figure.set_figwidth(fig, width) # convert mm to inches
[docs] def post_processing(self): pass
# =============================================================================
[docs]def composite( cmlist=None, main=0, ax=None, axis=1, row_gap=15, col_gap=15, legend_side="right", legend_gap=5, legend_y=0.8, legend_hpad=None, legend_width=None, width_ratios=None, height_ratios=None, verbose=1 ): """ Assemble multiple ClusterMapPlotter objects vertically or horizontally together. Parameters ---------- cmlist: list a list of ClusterMapPlotter (with plot=False). axis: int 1 for columns (align the cmlist horizontally), 0 for rows (vertically). main: int use which as main ClusterMapPlotter, will influence row/col order. main is the index of cmlist. row/col_gap: float the row or columns gap between subplots, unit is mm [15]. legend_side: str right,left [right]. legend_gap: float row gap between two legends, unit is mm. legend_width: float default is None, will be estimated automatically width_ratios: list a list of width, values can be either float or int. height_ratios: list a list of height, values can be either float or int. Returns ------- tuple: ax,legend_axes """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() n = len(cmlist) wspace, hspace = 0, 0 if axis == 1: # horizontally wspace = col_gap * mm2inch * ax.figure.dpi / (ax.get_window_extent().width / n) nrows = 1 ncols = n width_ratios = ( [cm.data2d.shape[1] for cm in cmlist] if width_ratios is None else width_ratios ) height_ratios = None else: # vertically hspace = row_gap * mm2inch * ax.figure.dpi / (ax.get_window_extent().height / n) nrows = n ncols = 1 width_ratios = None height_ratios = ( [cm.data2d.shape[0] for cm in cmlist] if height_ratios is None else height_ratios ) gs = ax.figure.add_gridspec( nrows, ncols, width_ratios=width_ratios, height_ratios=height_ratios, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, ) axes = [] for i, cm in enumerate(cmlist): sharex = axes[0] if axis == 0 and i > 0 else None sharey = axes[0] if axis == 1 and i > 0 else None gs1 = gs[i, 0] if axis == 0 else gs[0, i] ax1 = ax.figure.add_subplot(gs1, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey) # ax1.set_axis_off() #20241024 fix the bug for the display of xlabel axes.append(ax1) cm_1 = cmlist[main] ax1 = axes[main] gs1 = gs[main, 0] if axis == 0 else gs[0, main] cm_1.plot(ax=ax1, subplot_spec=gs1, row_order=None, col_order=None) legend_list = cm_1.legend_list legend_names = [L[1] for L in legend_list] label_max_width = ( ax.figure.get_window_extent().width * cm_1.label_max_width / ) for i, cm in enumerate(cmlist): if i == main: continue gs1 = gs[i, 0] if axis == 0 else gs[0, i] if axis == 1: # composite horizontally, have the same row order col_order = None row_order = cm_1.row_order else: # vertically, have the same col order row_order = None col_order = cm_1.col_order cm.plot(ax=axes[i], subplot_spec=gs1, row_order=row_order, col_order=col_order) for L in cm.legend_list: if L[1] not in legend_names: legend_names.append(L[1]) legend_list.append(L) w = ( ax.figure.get_window_extent().width * cm.label_max_width / ) if w > label_max_width: label_max_width = w if len(legend_list) > 0: legend_list = sorted(legend_list, key=lambda x: x[3]) if legend_hpad is None: space = col_gap * mm2inch * ax.figure.dpi + label_max_width else: space = legend_hpad * ax.figure.dpi / 72 legend_axes, cbars, boundry = plot_legend_list( legend_list, ax=ax, space=space, legend_side=legend_side, gap=legend_gap, y0=legend_y, legend_width=legend_width, verbose=verbose ) else: legend_axes=None # ax.set_axis_off() despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True, top=True, right=True) ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, ) # import pdb; # pdb.set_trace() return ax, legend_axes
# ============================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": pass