Source code for PyComplexHeatmap.colors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# !/usr/bin/env python3
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, ListedColormap, CSS4_COLORS
import random
from .utils import _calculate_luminance
import pandas as pd
default_cmaps = matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps()

[docs]def register_cmap(c): try: plt.register_cmap(cmap=c) except: matplotlib.colormaps.register(c, force=True)
[docs]def define_cmap(): all_cmaps = matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps() # if "binarize" not in all_cmaps: # c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( # "binarize", [(0, 'lightgray'), (1, "black")] # ) if "exp1" not in all_cmaps: c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "exp1", [(0, "blue"), (0.5, "yellow"), (1, "red")] ) register_cmap(c) if "exp2" not in all_cmaps: c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "exp2", [(0, "#4A5EA0"), (0.5, "#F9FFB2"), (1, "#A42A26")] ) register_cmap(c) if "meth1" not in all_cmaps: c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "meth1", [ (0, "#282972"), (0.2, "#36C4F2"), (0.4, "#C1D62F"), (0.6, "#F9AD17"), (0.8, "#EC3024"), (1, "#7D1416"), ], ) register_cmap(c) if "meth2" not in all_cmaps: c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "meth2", [ (0, "#4B5DC6"), (0.1, "#439CFE"), (0.3, "#55B849"), (0.5, "gold"), (0.7, "darkorange"), (0.9, "tomato"), (1, "red"), ], ) register_cmap(c) if "diverging1" not in all_cmaps: c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "diverging1", [(0, "#67a9cf"), (0.5, "#f7f7f7"), (1, "#ef8a62")] ) register_cmap(c) if "random50" not in all_cmaps: colors = [] for c in CSS4_COLORS: l = _calculate_luminance(c) if l > 0.25 and l < 0.8: colors.append(c) c = ListedColormap( random.sample([c for c in CSS4_COLORS.keys() if c not in ["white", "snow"] and "gray" not in c], 50), "random50", ) register_cmap(c) if "random100" not in all_cmaps: colors = [] for c in CSS4_COLORS: l = _calculate_luminance(c) if l > 0.25 and l < 0.8: colors.append(c) c = ListedColormap( random.sample([c for c in CSS4_COLORS.keys() if c not in ["white", "snow"] and "gray" not in c], 100), "random100", ) register_cmap(c) if "parula" not in all_cmaps: cm_data = [ [0.2081, 0.1663, 0.5292], [0.2116238095, 0.1897809524, 0.5776761905], [0.212252381, 0.2137714286, 0.6269714286], [0.2081, 0.2386, 0.6770857143], [0.1959047619, 0.2644571429, 0.7279], [0.1707285714, 0.2919380952, 0.779247619], [0.1252714286, 0.3242428571, 0.8302714286], [0.0591333333, 0.3598333333, 0.8683333333], [0.0116952381, 0.3875095238, 0.8819571429], [0.0059571429, 0.4086142857, 0.8828428571], [0.0165142857, 0.4266, 0.8786333333], [0.032852381, 0.4430428571, 0.8719571429], [0.0498142857, 0.4585714286, 0.8640571429], [0.0629333333, 0.4736904762, 0.8554380952], [0.0722666667, 0.4886666667, 0.8467], [0.0779428571, 0.5039857143, 0.8383714286], [0.079347619, 0.5200238095, 0.8311809524], [0.0749428571, 0.5375428571, 0.8262714286], [0.0640571429, 0.5569857143, 0.8239571429], [0.0487714286, 0.5772238095, 0.8228285714], [0.0343428571, 0.5965809524, 0.819852381], [0.0265, 0.6137, 0.8135], [0.0238904762, 0.6286619048, 0.8037619048], [0.0230904762, 0.6417857143, 0.7912666667], [0.0227714286, 0.6534857143, 0.7767571429], [0.0266619048, 0.6641952381, 0.7607190476], [0.0383714286, 0.6742714286, 0.743552381], [0.0589714286, 0.6837571429, 0.7253857143], [0.0843, 0.6928333333, 0.7061666667], [0.1132952381, 0.7015, 0.6858571429], [0.1452714286, 0.7097571429, 0.6646285714], [0.1801333333, 0.7176571429, 0.6424333333], [0.2178285714, 0.7250428571, 0.6192619048], [0.2586428571, 0.7317142857, 0.5954285714], [0.3021714286, 0.7376047619, 0.5711857143], [0.3481666667, 0.7424333333, 0.5472666667], [0.3952571429, 0.7459, 0.5244428571], [0.4420095238, 0.7480809524, 0.5033142857], [0.4871238095, 0.7490619048, 0.4839761905], [0.5300285714, 0.7491142857, 0.4661142857], [0.5708571429, 0.7485190476, 0.4493904762], [0.609852381, 0.7473142857, 0.4336857143], [0.6473, 0.7456, 0.4188], [0.6834190476, 0.7434761905, 0.4044333333], [0.7184095238, 0.7411333333, 0.3904761905], [0.7524857143, 0.7384, 0.3768142857], [0.7858428571, 0.7355666667, 0.3632714286], [0.8185047619, 0.7327333333, 0.3497904762], [0.8506571429, 0.7299, 0.3360285714], [0.8824333333, 0.7274333333, 0.3217], [0.9139333333, 0.7257857143, 0.3062761905], [0.9449571429, 0.7261142857, 0.2886428571], [0.9738952381, 0.7313952381, 0.266647619], [0.9937714286, 0.7454571429, 0.240347619], [0.9990428571, 0.7653142857, 0.2164142857], [0.9955333333, 0.7860571429, 0.196652381], [0.988, 0.8066, 0.1793666667], [0.9788571429, 0.8271428571, 0.1633142857], [0.9697, 0.8481380952, 0.147452381], [0.9625857143, 0.8705142857, 0.1309], [0.9588714286, 0.8949, 0.1132428571], [0.9598238095, 0.9218333333, 0.0948380952], [0.9661, 0.9514428571, 0.0755333333], [0.9763, 0.9831, 0.0538], ] c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("parula", cm_data) register_cmap(c)
[docs]def get_palettable_colors(): """ category: sequential, diverging, qualitative """ R=[] for category in ['sequential','diverging','qualitative']: for source in dir(palettable): color_source=getattr(palettable,source) if not hasattr(color_source,category): continue color_category=getattr(color_source,category) color_names=[] for name in dir(color_category): color=getattr(color_category,name) if not hasattr(color,'mpl_colors'): continue R.append([category,,color.type,color.number,color.colors,color.hex_colors,color.mpl_colors,color.mpl_colormap]) df=pd.DataFrame(R,columns=['category','name','type','number','colors','hex_colors','mpl_colors','mpl_colormap']) df.insert(1,'prefix', x:x.split('_')[0])) df.sort_values(['prefix','number'],ascending=[True,False],inplace=True) max_n = df.groupby('prefix').number.max().to_dict() df.insert(5, 'max_n', df = df.loc[df.number == df.max_n] df['Name'] = x: x.split('_')[0] if not x.endswith('_r') else x.split('_')[0] + '_r') mpl_colormaps = [] for cmap, prefix in zip(df.mpl_colormap.tolist(), df.Name.tolist()): = prefix mpl_colormaps.append(cmap) df.mpl_colormap = mpl_colormaps df = df.loc[~ df.Name.isin(default_cmaps)] return df
[docs]def register_palettable(): df=get_palettable_colors() all_cmaps = matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps() # register qualitative colormap df1=df.loc[df.category == 'qualitative'] for colors,name in zip (df1.mpl_colors.tolist(),df1.Name.tolist()): if name in all_cmaps: continue c = ListedColormap(colors,name) register_cmap(c) # register sequential and diverging colormap df1 = df.loc[df.category != 'qualitative'] for colors,name in zip (df1.mpl_colors.tolist(),df1.Name.tolist()): if name in all_cmaps: continue c = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, colors) register_cmap(c)
define_cmap() try: import palettable register_palettable() except: print("Warning: Please install palettable to enable palettable colormaps")