Source code for PyComplexHeatmap.dotHeatmap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# !/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from .utils import mm2inch, plot_legend_list, despine, get_colormap
from .clustermap import ClusterMapPlotter
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

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[docs]def scale(values, vmin=None, vmax=None): if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(values) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanmax(values) if vmax == vmin: return [1 for j in values] delta = vmax - vmin return [(j - vmin) / delta for j in values]
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[docs]def dotHeatmap2d( data, hue=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, colors=None, cmap=None, max_s=None, spines=False, **kwargs ): """ Plot dot heatmap using a dataframe matrix as input. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame input matrix (pandas.DataFrame) hue : pd.DataFrame hue to control the colors and cmap of the dot. vmin : float minimal size for the dot. vmax : float maximal size for the dot ax : ax ax colors : dict colors to control the dot, keys should be the value in hue. if colors is a str, then colors will overwrite the parameter `c`. cmap : str of dict control the colormap of the dot, if cmap is a dict, keys should be the values from hue dataframe. If `cmap` is a str (such as 'Set1'), the parameter `colors` will overwrite the colors of dots. If `cmap` was a dict, then this paramter will overwrite the `colors`, and colors can only control the colors for markers. s : int, float, or dataframe control the sizes of dot. c : dataframe, or str control the colors of dots. marker : str, dataframe or dict when marker is a dict, hue must not be None, and keys are categorical values from hue, values should be marker. kwargs : dict such as s,c,marker, s,marker and colors can also be pandas.DataFrame. other kwargs passed to plt.scatter Returns ------- axes: """ # print(locals()) row_labels = data.index.tolist() col_labels = data.columns.tolist() # print(data.sort_index()) data = data.stack().reset_index() data.columns = ["Row", "Col", "Value"] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() df = data["Col"].apply(lambda j: col_labels.index(j) + 1).to_frame(name="X") df["Y"] = data["Row"].apply(lambda j: row_labels.index(j) + 1) df["Value"] = data.Value.values del data if max_s is None: #passed from DotClustermapPlotter, not None #The unit of size for the s parameter is squared points. This means # that the area of the marker is specified in points squared. # A point in this context is a unit of measure in typography, # equal to 1/72 of an inch. Therefore, if you specify s=100, # each marker's area will be 100 points squared, not its width or height. w, h = ( ax.get_window_extent().width / ax.figure.dpi, ax.get_window_extent().height / ax.figure.dpi, ) #unit is inch r = min(w * 72 / len(col_labels), h * 72 / len(row_labels)) # r is the minimal of width and height for each scatter point, unit is point. max_s = r**2 # s s = kwargs.pop("s", None) # print(s is None,vmin,vmax) if s is None: df["S"] = scale(df["Value"].abs().values,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: if isinstance(s, pd.DataFrame): # s is already normalized globally s = s.reindex(index=row_labels, columns=col_labels).stack().reset_index() s.columns = ["Row", "Col", "Value"] # df["S"] = scale(s.Value.abs().values) #scale to 0-1 df['S'] = s.Value.values elif isinstance(s, (int, float)): df["S"] = s # hue if not hue is None: # hue is a dataframe hue = hue.reindex(index=row_labels, columns=col_labels).stack().reset_index() hue.columns = ["Row", "Col", "Value"] df.insert(2, "Hue", hue.Value.values) # marker marker = kwargs.pop("marker", "o") if isinstance(marker, pd.DataFrame): marker = ( marker.reindex(index=row_labels, columns=col_labels).stack().reset_index() ) marker.columns = ["Row", "Col", "Value"] df["Markers"] = marker.Value.values elif isinstance(marker, str): df["Markers"] = marker elif isinstance(marker, dict): # keys are values from hue, values should be marker. if hue is None: raise ValueError("when marker is a dict, hue must not be None") df["Markers"] = else: raise ValueError("marker must be string, dataframe or dict") # colors c_ready = False if not colors is None and isinstance(colors, str): df["C"] = colors c_ready = True elif "c" in kwargs: # c: dataframe or color, optional c = kwargs.pop("c") if isinstance(c, pd.DataFrame): c = c.reindex(index=row_labels, columns=col_labels).stack().reset_index() c.columns = ["Row", "Col", "Value"] df["C"] = c.Value.values else: # str df["C"] = c c_ready = True elif hue is None: df["C"] = df.S.tolist() # scale(data['Value'].values,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cmap) c_ready = True elif not hue is None and isinstance(cmap, str): color_dict = {} # keys are categorical values from hue, values are colors. if colors is None: # using cmap col_list = df["Hue"].value_counts().index.tolist() for c in col_list: color_dict[c] = matplotlib.colors.to_hex( get_colormap(cmap)(col_list.index(c)) ) elif type(colors) == dict: color_dict = colors elif type(colors) == str: col_list = df["Hue"].value_counts().index.tolist() for c in col_list: color_dict[c] = colors else: raise ValueError("colors must be string or dict") df["C"] = df["Hue"].map(color_dict) c_ready = True kwargs.setdefault( "norm", matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) ) # print(f"max_s: {max_s}",df.S.min(),df.S.max()) #min and max S should be 0,1 if c_ready and type(cmap) == str: kwargs["cmap"] = cmap for mk in df.Markers.unique(): # df1 = df.query("Markers==@mk").copy() df1 = df.loc[df.Markers==mk].copy() if df1.shape[0] == 0: continue kwargs["marker"] = mk ax.scatter( x=df1.X.values, y=df1.Y.values, s=df1.S * max_s, c=df1.C.values, **kwargs ) # vmax=vmax,vmin=vmin, elif type(cmap) == dict and not hue is None: for h in cmap: # key are hue, values are cmap # df1 = df.query("Hue==@h").copy() df1 = df.loc[df.Hue==h].copy() if df1.shape[0] == 0: continue kwargs["cmap"] = cmap[h] for mk in df1.Markers.unique(): # df2 = df1.query("Markers==@mk").copy() df2 = df1.loc[df1.Markers==mk].copy() kwargs["marker"] = mk ax.scatter( x=df2.X.values, y=df2.Y.values, s=df2.S * max_s, c=df2.C.values, **kwargs ) # else: raise ValueError("cmap must be string or dict") ax.set_ylim([0.5, len(row_labels) + 0.5]) ax.set_xlim(0.5, len(col_labels) + 0.5) y_locater = list(range(1, len(row_labels) + 1)) x_locater = list(range(1, len(col_labels) + 1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator(y_locater)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.FixedLocator(np.array(y_locater) - 0.5)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator(x_locater)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.FixedLocator(np.array(x_locater) - 0.5)) ax.invert_yaxis() # axis=1: left -> right, axis=0: bottom -> top. ax.set_yticklabels(row_labels) ax.set_xticklabels(col_labels) if not spines: despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True, right=True, top=True) # for side in ["top", "right", "left", "bottom"]: # ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) return ax
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[docs]class DotClustermapPlotter(ClusterMapPlotter): """ DotClustermap (Heatmap) plotter, inherited from ClusterMapPlotter. Plot dot heatmap (clustermap) with annotation and legends. Parameters ---------- data : dataframe pandas dataframe or numpy array. x: str The column name in data.columns to be shown on the columns of heatmap / clustermap. y : str The column name in data.columns to be shown on the rows of heatmap / clustermap. value : str The column name in data.columns to control the sizes, or color of scatter (dot). hue : str, optional. The column name in data.columns to control the color, cmap, markers of scatter (dot). s : str or int, optional. The column name in data.columns to control the size of scatter (dot). If `s` is None, `value` will be used to control the sizes of dot. This parameter will overwrite value. c : str, optional. The column name in data.columns to control the color of scatter (dot). `c` can also be one color str, such as 'red'. If `c` is not given, colors of the dot will be determined by `cmap` or `colors`. marker :str or dict, optional. Please go to: to see all available markers. Such as '.',',','o','v','^','<','>','1','2','3','4','8','s','p','P','*','h','H','+','x','X','D','d','|','_', default marker is 'o'. If marker is a string, it should be a marker to control the markers of scatter (dot). marker could also be a name of the column from data.columns.tolist() If marker is a dict, the keys should be the values from data[hue].values, and values should be marker. colors :dict. Keys should be the values from data[hue].values, and values should be color. It will be only used to control the colors of markers in figure legend. cmap :str or dict, optional. If cmap is a dict, the keys should be the values from data[hue].values, and values should be cmap. If cmap is a string, it should be colormap, such as 'Set1'. color_legend_kws: dict legend_kws passed to plot_color_dict_legend cmap_legend_kws: dict legend_kws passed to plot_cmap_legend dot_legend_kws: dict legend_kws passed to plot_marker_legend value_na : float or int used to fill na for data.pivot_table(index=self.y,columns=self.x,values=self.value,aggfunc=self.aggfunc).fillna(self.value_na) hue_na : float, str or int used to fill na for data.pivot_table(index=self.y,columns=self.x,values=self.hue,aggfunc=self.aggfunc).fillna(self.hue_na) s_na : floator int used to fill na for data.pivot_table(index=self.y,columns=self.x,values=self.s,aggfunc=self.aggfunc).fillna(self.s_na) c_na : float, int or str used to fill na for data.pivot_table(index=self.y,columns=self.x,values=self.c,aggfunc=self.aggfunc).fillna(self.c_na) aggfunc : function when there are multiple values for the same x and y, using aggfunc (default is np.mean) to aggregate them. aggfunc will be called in data.pivot(index=y,columns=x,values=value,aggfunc=aggfunc) spines: bool Whether show spines of the axes or not [False] max_s: float max size of the dot in scatter, default is None, will be inferred automatically. alpha: float [0,1] coefficient to scale the size of dot in figure legend, valid for marker and dot in legend. kwargs :dict Other kwargs passed to ClusterMapPlotter and dotHeatmap2d, such as max_s, vmin, vmax. Returns ------- DotClustermapPlotter. """ def __init__( self, data=None, x=None, y=None, value=None, hue=None, s=None, c=None, marker="o", alpha=1, color_legend_kws={}, cmap_legend_kws={}, dot_legend_kws={}, dot_legend_marker="o", aggfunc=np.mean, value_na=0, hue_na="NA", s_na=0, c_na=0, spines=False, max_s=None, **kwargs ): kwargs["data"] = data self.x = x self.y = y self.value = value self.hue = hue self.s = s self.c = c self.marker = marker self.alpha = alpha self.aggfunc = aggfunc self.value_na = value_na self.hue_na = hue_na self.s_na = s_na self.c_na = c_na self.color_legend_kws = color_legend_kws self.cmap_legend_kws = cmap_legend_kws self.spines = spines self.dot_legend_kws = dot_legend_kws self.dot_legend_marker=dot_legend_marker self.max_s=max_s super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def format_data(self, data, mask=None, z_score=None, standard_scale=None): # data2d = data.pivot_table( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values=self.value, aggfunc=self.aggfunc ).fillna(self.value_na) # hue if not self.hue is None: self.kwargs["hue"] = data.pivot( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values=self.hue ).fillna(self.hue_na) # s if not self.s is None: if isinstance(self.s, (int, float)): self.kwargs["s"] = self.s self.smax=self.s self.smin=None elif isinstance(self.s, str): self.kwargs["s"] = data.pivot_table( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values=self.s, aggfunc=self.aggfunc ).fillna(self.s_na) self.smin = np.nanmin(self.kwargs["s"].values) self.smax = np.nanmax(self.kwargs["s"].values) elif isinstance(self.s,pd.Series): self.kwargs["s"] = data.assign(GivenS=self.s).pivot_table( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values='GivenS', aggfunc=self.aggfunc ).fillna(self.s_na) self.smin = np.nanmin(self.kwargs["s"].values) self.smax = np.nanmax(self.kwargs["s"].values) else: raise ValueError("s must be a str, int or float!") if not self.smin is None: #s is a dataframe, perform standard normalization. delta=self.smax-self.smin self.kwargs["s"]=self.kwargs["s"].applymap(lambda x:(x-self.smin)/delta) # c if not self.c is None: if isinstance(self.c,pd.Series): self.kwargs["s"] = data.assign(GivenC=self.s).pivot_table( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values='GivenC', aggfunc=self.aggfunc ).fillna(self.c_na) elif type(self.c)==str and self.c in data.columns: # column name from data.columns self.kwargs["c"] = data.pivot_table( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values=self.c, aggfunc=self.aggfunc ).fillna(self.c_na) elif type(self.c) == str: # color, such as 'red' self.kwargs["c"] = self.c else: raise ValueError( "c must be a str: color or column name from data.columns" ) # marker if not self.marker is None: if not isinstance(self.marker, (str, dict)): raise ValueError("marker must be a str or dict") if ( isinstance(self.marker, str) and self.marker in data.columns ): # column name from data.columns self.kwargs["marker"] = data.pivot( index=self.y, columns=self.x, values=self.marker ) elif isinstance(self.marker, str): # color, such as 'red' self.kwargs["marker"] = self.marker else: if self.hue is None: raise ValueError("when marker is a dict, hue must not be None") self.kwargs["marker"] = self.marker if 'vmin' not in self.kwargs: self.vmin = np.nanmin(data2d.values) self.kwargs.setdefault("vmin", self.vmin) if 'vmax' not in self.kwargs: self.vmax = np.nanmax(data2d.values) self.kwargs.setdefault("vmax", self.vmax) if z_score is not None and standard_scale is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot perform both z-scoring and standard-scaling on data" ) if z_score is not None: data2d = self.z_score(data2d, z_score) if standard_scale is not None: data2d = self.standard_scale(data2d, standard_scale) return data2d
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, row_order, col_order): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Plotting matrix..") nrows = len(row_order) ncols = len(col_order) ratio=self.kwargs.pop('ratio',None) if not ratio is None: print("Warning: ratio is deprecated, please use max_s instead") if self.max_s is None: self.max_s = ratio if self.max_s is None: # The unit of size for the s parameter is squared points. This means # that the area of the marker is specified in points squared. # A point in this context is a unit of measure in typography, # equal to 1/72 of an inch. Therefore, if you specify s=100, # each marker's area will be 100 points squared, not its width or height. w, h = ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().width / self.ax_heatmap.figure.dpi, self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().height / self.ax_heatmap.figure.dpi, ) # unit is inch r = min(w * 72 / self.data2d.shape[1], h * 72 / self.data2d.shape[0]) # r is the minimal of width and height for each scatter point, unit is point. max_s = r ** 2 if self.verbose >= 1: print(f"Inferred max_s (max size of scatter point) is: {max_s}") else: max_s = self.max_s if self.verbose >= 1: print(f"Using user provided max_s: {max_s}") self.kwargs['max_s'] = max_s self.col_split_gap_pixel = self.col_split_gap * mm2inch * self.wspace = ( (self.col_split_gap_pixel * ncols) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().width + self.col_split_gap_pixel - self.col_split_gap_pixel * ncols ) ) self.row_split_gap_pixel = self.row_split_gap * mm2inch * self.hspace = ( (self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().height + self.row_split_gap_pixel - self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows ) ) self.heatmap_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows, ncols, hspace=self.hspace, wspace=self.wspace,[1, 1], height_ratios=[len(rows) for rows in row_order], width_ratios=[len(cols) for cols in col_order], ) self.heatmap_axes = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=object) # if nrows > 1 or ncols > 1: self.ax_heatmap.set_axis_off() for i, rows in enumerate(row_order): for j, cols in enumerate(col_order): ax1 = self.ax_heatmap.figure.add_subplot( self.heatmap_gs[i, j], sharex=self.heatmap_axes[0, j], sharey=self.heatmap_axes[i, 0], ) # ax1.set_xlim([0, len(rows)]) # ax1.set_ylim([0, len(cols)]) kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() # print(kwargs) dotHeatmap2d( self.data2d.loc[rows, cols], cmap=kwargs.pop("cmap", self.cmap), ax=ax1, spines=self.spines, **kwargs ) self.heatmap_axes[i, j] = ax1 ax1.yaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.xaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params( which="both", left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, )
[docs] def collect_legends(self): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Collecting legends..") self.legend_list = [] self.label_max_width = 0 for annotation in [ self.top_annotation, self.bottom_annotation, self.left_annotation, self.right_annotation, ]: if not annotation is None: annotation.collect_legends() if annotation.plot_legend and len(annotation.legend_list) > 0: self.legend_list.extend(annotation.legend_list) # print(annotation.label_max_width,self.label_max_width) if annotation.label_max_width > self.label_max_width: self.label_max_width = annotation.label_max_width if self.legend: if (isinstance(self.cmap, str) and not self.hue is None and self.c is None): # color_dict = {} col_list = self.kwargs["hue"].unstack().value_counts().index.tolist() # print(col_list,self.kwargs['hue']) for c in col_list: color_dict[c] = matplotlib.colors.to_hex( get_colormap(self.cmap)(col_list.index(c)) ) self.legend_list.append( [ color_dict, self.hue, self.color_legend_kws, len(color_dict), "color_dict", ] ) cmap = self.cmap c = self.kwargs.get("c", None) cmap_legend_kws = self.cmap_legend_kws.copy() # cmap_legend_kws["vmax"] = self.kwargs.get('vmax',1) # cmap_legend_kws["vmin"] = self.kwargs.get('vmin',0) cmap_legend_kws.setdefault("vmin", self.kwargs.get('vmin')) # round(vmin, 2)) cmap_legend_kws.setdefault("vmax", self.kwargs.get('vmax')) # round(vmax, 2)) if ( not cmap is None and type(cmap) == str and not c is None and type(c) != str ): # print(cmap_legend_kws) self.legend_list.append([cmap, self.value, cmap_legend_kws, 4, "cmap"]) if type(cmap) == dict: for k in cmap: self.legend_list.append([cmap[k], k, cmap_legend_kws, 4, "cmap"]) marker = self.kwargs.get("marker", None) # ax = self.heatmap_axes[0, 0] # w, h = ( # ax.get_window_extent().width / ax.figure.dpi, # ax.get_window_extent().height / ax.figure.dpi, # ) # r = min(w * 72 / len(self.col_order[0]), h * 72 / len(self.row_order[0])) max_s=self.kwargs['max_s'] if type(marker) == dict and not self.hue is None: self.legend_list.append( [ (marker, self.kwargs.get("colors", None), np.sqrt(max_s) * self.alpha), self.hue, self.dot_legend_kws, len(marker), "markers", ] #size of s in scatter equal to marker_size**2 ) # markersize is r*0.8 # dot size legend: if type(self.s) == str: # s=self.kwargs.get('s',None) # colors=self.kwargs.get('colors',None) markers1 = {} ms = {} for f in [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2]: k = str(round(f * self.smax, 2)) markers1[k] = self.dot_legend_marker ms[k] = f * np.sqrt(max_s) * self.alpha # ms[k] = np.sqrt(f * max_s * self.alpha) title = self.s if not self.s is None else self.value self.legend_list.append( [ (markers1, None, ms), title, self.dot_legend_kws, len(markers1), "markers", ] ) heatmap_label_max_width = ( max([label.get_window_extent().width for label in self.yticklabels]) if len(self.yticklabels) > 0 else 0 ) if ( heatmap_label_max_width >= self.label_max_width or self.legend_anchor == "ax_heatmap" ): self.label_max_width = heatmap_label_max_width * 1.1 if len(self.legend_list) > 1: self.legend_list = sorted(self.legend_list, key=lambda x: x[3])
[docs] def post_processing(self): if not self.spines: for ax in self.heatmap_axes.ravel(): despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True, right=True, top=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": pass