Source code for PyComplexHeatmap.oncoPrint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# !/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from .utils import (
from .clustermap import ClusterMapPlotter
from .annotations import HeatmapAnnotation, anno_barplot
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

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[docs]def oncoprint( data, ax=None, colors=None, cmap="Set1", nvar=None, aspect=None, bgcolor="whitesmoke", row_gap=1, xticklabels_kws=None, subplot_spec=None, yticklabels_kws=None, **plot_kws ): """ Plot dot heatmap using a dataframe matrix as input. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame input matrix (pandas.DataFrame), for each element in this dataframe, the value should be a list. ax : ax ax colors : dict colors to control the dot, keys should be the value in hue. if colors is a str, then colors will overwrite the parameter `c`. cmap : str of dict control the colormap of the dot, if cmap is a dict, keys should be the values from hue dataframe. If `cmap` is a str (such as 'Set1'), the parameter `colors` will overwrite the colors of dots. If `cmap` wisas a dict, then this paramter will overwrite the `colors`, and colors can only control the colors for markers. bgcolor: str background color, default is whitesmoke (#CCCCCC) kwargs : dict such as s,c,marker, s,marker and colors can also be pandas.DataFrame. other kwargs passed to plt.scatter Returns ------- ax,axes: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() nrows, ncols = data.shape if nvar is None: nvar = data.iloc[:, 0].apply(lambda x: len(x)).max() if colors is None: colors = [get_colormap(cmap)(i) for i in range(nvar)] plot_kws.setdefault("width", 0.7) plot_kws.setdefault("align", "center") rowticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.index) colticklabels = _index_to_ticklabels(data.columns) ax.set_ylim(0, nrows) y_locater = list(np.arange(0.5, nrows, 1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator(y_locater)) ax.set_yticklabels(rowticklabels) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_xlim(0, ncols) x_locater = list(np.arange(0.5, ncols, 1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator(x_locater)) ax.set_xticklabels(colticklabels) ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, ) xticklabels_kws = {} if xticklabels_kws is None else xticklabels_kws yticklabels_kws = {} if yticklabels_kws is None else yticklabels_kws xticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelrotation", -90) xticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelbottom", True) yticklabels_kws.setdefault("labelleft", True) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(**xticklabels_kws) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(**yticklabels_kws) despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True, right=True, top=True) hspace = row_gap * mm2inch * ax.figure.dpi / (ax.get_window_extent().height / nrows) if subplot_spec is None: gs = ax.figure.add_gridspec(nrows, 1, hspace=hspace) else: gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows, 1, hspace=hspace, subplot_spec=subplot_spec ) axes = np.empty(shape=(nrows, 1), dtype=object) # ax.set_axis_off() for i in range(nrows): df = ( pd.DataFrame(data.iloc[i, :].values.tolist()) .apply(lambda x: x / x.sum(), axis=1) .fillna(0) ) ax1 = ax.figure.add_subplot(gs[i, 0], sharex=ax) ax1.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator([0.5])) ax1.set_yticklabels([rowticklabels[i]]) if not aspect is None: ax1.set_aspect(aspect) base_coordinates = [0] * ncols x = np.arange(0.5, ncols, 1) for j, color in zip(range(df.shape[1]), colors): x=x, height=df.iloc[:, j].values, bottom=base_coordinates, color=color, **plot_kws ) base_coordinates = df.iloc[:, j].values + base_coordinates # plot background colors df = df.loc[df.sum(axis=1) == 0] x=df.index.values + 0.5, height=[1] * df.shape[0], color=bgcolor, **plot_kws ) # ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', # left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, # top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False) # despine(ax=ax1, left=True, bottom=True, right=True, top=True) ax1.set_axis_off() axes[i, 0] = ax1 # secondary y tick labels: axes2 = axes1.twinx() #mirror _draw_figure(ax.figure) return ax, axes
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[docs]class oncoPrintPlotter(ClusterMapPlotter): """ DotClustermap (Heatmap) plotter, inherited from ClusterMapPlotter. Plot dot heatmap (clustermap) with annotation and legends. Parameters ---------- data : dataframe pandas dataframe or numpy array. x: str The column name in data.columns to be shown on the columns of heatmap / clustermap. y : str The column name in data.columns to be shown on the rows of heatmap / clustermap. values : str or list The column names in data.columns to control the sizes, or color of scatter (dot). colors :list. colors for each column in values cmap :str or dict, optional. If cmap is a dict, the keys should be the values from data[hue].values, and values should be cmap. If cmap is a string, it should be colormap, such as 'Set1'. bgcolor: str background color, default is whitesmoke (or lightgray) color_legend_kws: dict legend_kws passed to plot_color_dict_legend cmap_legend_kws: dict legend_kws passed to plot_cmap_legend kwargs :dict Other kwargs passed to ClusterMapPlotter and oncoprint, such as width, align (will be passed to oncoprint). Returns ------- oncoPrintPlotter. """ def __init__( self, data=None, x=None, y=None, values=None, cmap="Set1", colors=None, aspect=None, bgcolor="whitesmoke", row_gap=0.8, color_legend_kws={}, cmap_legend_kws={}, remove_empty_rows=True, remove_empty_columns=True, **kwargs ): kwargs["data"] = data self.x = x self.y = y self.values = values if type(values) == list else [values] self.cmap = cmap self.colors = colors self.aspect = aspect self.bgcolor = bgcolor self.row_gap = row_gap self.color_legend_kws = color_legend_kws self.cmap_legend_kws = cmap_legend_kws self.remove_empty_rows = remove_empty_rows self.remove_empty_cols = remove_empty_columns super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def format_data(self, data, mask=None, z_score=None, standard_scale=None): data2d = data.assign( VALUE=data.loc[:, self.values].apply(lambda x: x.tolist(), axis=1) ).pivot(index=self.y, columns=self.x, values="VALUE") df_sum = data2d.applymap(np.sum) if self.remove_empty_rows: data2d = data2d.loc[df_sum.sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.remove_empty_cols: data2d = data2d.loc[:, df_sum.sum(axis=0) > 0] row_vc = data2d.apply(lambda x: x.apply(np.array).sum(), axis=1) self.row_vc = pd.DataFrame( row_vc.tolist(), index=row_vc.index.tolist(), columns=self.values ) self.col_vc = data2d.apply(lambda x: x.apply(np.array).sum(), axis=0).T self.col_vc.columns = self.values if self.colors is None: self.colors = [get_colormap(self.cmap)(i) for i in range(len(self.values))] self.color_dict = {} for label, color in zip(self.values, self.colors): self.color_dict[label] = color return data2d
def _reorder_rows(self): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Reordering rows..") if self.row_split is None and self.row_cluster: self.row_order = [ self.row_vc.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index.tolist() ] return None elif isinstance(self.row_split, int) and self.row_cluster: self.calculate_row_dendrograms(self.data2d.applymap(lambda x: np.sum(x))) self.row_clusters = ( pd.Series( hierarchy.fcluster( self.dendrogram_row.linkage, t=self.row_split, criterion="maxclust", ), index=self.data2d.index.tolist(), ) .to_frame(name="cluster") .groupby("cluster") .apply(lambda x: x.index.tolist()) .to_dict() ) # index=self.dendrogram_row.dendrogram['ivl']).to_frame(name='cluster') elif isinstance(self.row_split, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): if isinstance(self.row_split, pd.Series): self.row_split = self.row_split.to_frame([ self.data2d.index.tolist() ] cols = self.row_split.columns.tolist() row_clusters = self.row_split.groupby(cols).apply( lambda x: x.index.tolist() ) if self.row_split_order: row_clusters = row_clusters.loc[self.row_split_order] self.row_clusters = row_clusters.to_dict() elif not self.row_cluster: self.row_order = [self.data2d.index.tolist()] return None else: raise TypeError("row_split must be integar or dataframe or series") self.row_order = [] self.dendrogram_rows = [] for i, cluster in enumerate(self.row_clusters): rows = self.row_clusters[cluster] if len(rows) <= 1: self.row_order.append(rows) self.dendrogram_rows.append(None) continue if self.row_cluster: row_order = ( self.row_vc.loc[rows] .sum(axis=1) .sort_values(ascending=False) .index.tolist() ) self.row_order.append(row_order) else: self.row_order.append(rows)
[docs] def get_samples_order(self, data, row_order): """ data is a dataframe, row_order is a list ([[],[]]). """ nrows = data.shape[0] row_orders = list(np.array(row_order).flatten()) # col_order = ( data.apply( lambda x: x.apply( lambda y: 0 if np.sum(y) == 0 else 2 ** (nrows - row_orders.index( - 1) ), axis=1, ) .sum() .sort_values(ascending=False) .index.tolist() ) return col_order
def _reorder_cols(self): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Reordering cols..") if self.col_split is None and self.col_cluster: col_order = self.get_samples_order(self.data2d, self.row_order) self.col_order = [col_order] # self.data2d.iloc[:, xind].columns.tolist() return None if isinstance(self.col_split, int) and self.col_cluster: self.calculate_col_dendrograms(self.data2d.applymap(lambda x: np.sum(x))) self.col_clusters = ( pd.Series( hierarchy.fcluster( self.dendrogram_col.linkage, t=self.col_split, criterion="maxclust", ), index=self.data2d.columns.tolist(), ) .to_frame(name="cluster") .groupby("cluster") .apply(lambda x: x.index.tolist()) .to_dict() ) elif isinstance(self.col_split, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): if isinstance(self.col_split, pd.Series): self.col_split = self.col_split.to_frame([ self.data2d.columns.tolist() ] cols = self.col_split.columns.tolist() col_clusters = self.col_split.groupby(cols).apply( lambda x: x.index.tolist() ) if self.col_split_order: col_clusters = col_clusters.loc[self.col_split_order] self.col_clusters = col_clusters.to_dict() elif not self.col_cluster: self.col_order = [self.data2d.columns.tolist()] return None else: raise TypeError("row_split must be integar or dataframe or series") self.col_order = [] self.dendrogram_cols = [] for i, cluster in enumerate(self.col_clusters): cols = self.col_clusters[cluster] if len(cols) <= 1: self.col_order.append(cols) self.dendrogram_cols.append(None) continue if self.col_cluster: col_order = self.get_samples_order( self.data2d.loc[:, cols], self.row_order ) self.col_order.append(col_order) else: self.col_order.append(cols)
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, row_order, col_order): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Plotting matrix..") nrows = len(row_order) ncols = len(col_order) self.col_split_gap_pixel = self.col_split_gap * mm2inch * self.wspace = ( (self.col_split_gap_pixel * ncols) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().width + self.col_split_gap_pixel - self.col_split_gap_pixel * ncols ) ) self.row_split_gap_pixel = self.row_split_gap * mm2inch * self.hspace = ( (self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows) / ( self.ax_heatmap.get_window_extent().height + self.row_split_gap_pixel - self.row_split_gap_pixel * nrows ) ) self.heatmap_gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows, ncols, hspace=self.hspace, wspace=self.wspace,[1, 1], height_ratios=[len(rows) for rows in row_order], width_ratios=[len(cols) for cols in col_order], ) self.heatmap_axes = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=object) self.heatmap_subaxes = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=object) self.ax_heatmap.set_axis_off() for i, rows in enumerate(row_order): for j, cols in enumerate(col_order): ax1 = self.ax_heatmap.figure.add_subplot( self.heatmap_gs[i, j], sharex=self.heatmap_axes[0, j], sharey=self.heatmap_axes[i, 0], ) kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() ax2, axes = oncoprint( self.data2d.loc[rows, cols], colors=self.colors, nvar=len(self.values), aspect=self.aspect, bgcolor=self.bgcolor, row_gap=self.row_gap, cmap=kwargs.pop("cmap", self.cmap), ax=ax1, subplot_spec=self.heatmap_gs[i, j], **kwargs ) self.heatmap_axes[i, j] = ax1 self.heatmap_subaxes[i, j] = axes ax1.yaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.xaxis.label.set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params( which="both", left=False, right=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, )
[docs] def add_default_annotations(self): if self.top_annotation is None: self.top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation( axis=1, Col=anno_barplot(self.col_vc, colors=self.colors, legend=False), verbose=0, label_side="left", label_kws={"horizontalalignment": "right"}, ) else: col_ann = anno_barplot(self.col_vc, colors=self.colors, legend=False) col_ann.set_label("Col") self.top_annotation.annotations.append(col_ann) if self.right_annotation is None: self.right_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation( axis=0, Row=anno_barplot(self.row_vc, colors=self.colors, legend=False), verbose=0, label_side="top", label_kws={"horizontalalignment": "right"}, ) else: row_ann = anno_barplot(self.row_vc, colors=self.colors, legend=False) row_ann.set_label("Row") self.right_annotation = [row_ann] + self.right_annotation.annotations
[docs] def collect_legends(self): if self.verbose >= 1: print("Collecting legends..") self.legend_list = [] self.label_max_width = 0 for annotation in [ self.top_annotation, self.bottom_annotation, self.left_annotation, self.right_annotation, ]: if not annotation is None: annotation.collect_legends() if annotation.plot_legend and len(annotation.legend_list) > 0: self.legend_list.extend(annotation.legend_list) # print(annotation.label_max_width,self.label_max_width) if annotation.label_max_width > self.label_max_width: self.label_max_width = annotation.label_max_width if self.legend: self.legend_list.append( [ self.color_dict, self.label, self.color_legend_kws, len(self.color_dict), "color_dict", ] ) heatmap_label_max_width = ( max([label.get_window_extent().width for label in self.yticklabels]) if len(self.yticklabels) > 0 and self.row_names_side == "right" else 0 ) if ( heatmap_label_max_width >= self.label_max_width or self.legend_anchor == "ax_heatmap" ): self.label_max_width = heatmap_label_max_width # * 1.1 if len(self.legend_list) > 1: self.legend_list = sorted(self.legend_list, key=lambda x: x[3])
[docs] def post_processing(self): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": pass